Maybe I changed something I can't figure out in my build and maybe my aim isn't on point. In order to take down Katagawa Jr, you must first distinguish him from his clones. This is the key visual indicator that he is about to spawn. This portion of our Wiki Guide will detail some of our best tips, tricks, and strategies for defeating Katagawa Jr. during the chapter 9 mission, Atlas, At Last. Katagawa Jr will not fight you directly and will prefer to split up into fake copies of himself to attack you from multiple areas. Cheats. When the fight starts, he jumps and lands for his initial clone split. During the Atlas, At Last mission you will face Katagawa Jr near the end of the mission as he attempts to kill Rhys but is then stopped by Zer0 who then teleports Rhys to safety while leaving you in charge of taking care of Katagawa Jr. Katagawa Jr will not fight you directly and will prefer to split up into fake copies of himself to attack you from multiple areas. He doesn’t deal that much damage but if you are at a lower level it may be wise to take cover when firing at each of his fake copies in an attempt to search for the real one. Legendary Class Mods¶ When Katagawa Ball reaches the last quarter of his health, he will also start using Shock attacks. 180. On hit, ricochets and splits into five projectiles in vertical or horizontal line. One of the numerous weapons available in Borderlands 3 is the Firestorm Legendary Sniper Rifle. One of the problems that players may encounter when attempting to beat Katagawa Ball in BL3 is ammo consumption, as this boss's total health pool … When Katagawa Jr’s health is low, he will attempt to repeatedly teleport and deal melee strikes to you. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. As you destroy his shield, you'll begin to damage his health, however you will only manage to get a few shots onto him before he teleports away. Katagawa Jr. 175. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site. However, with the special weapon effect, that one shot deals massive damage. One shot magazine. As we mentioned above, the key to taking out Katagawa Jr is to bypass his clones and solely attack him. Always INCENDIARY. ... One of Katagawa Ball’s basic attacks when health is still in its armor phase which basically tosses an incendiary projectile at you or your location. 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Katagawa's final phase will begin once he has approximately 5% of his health remaining. Farming Katagawa Jr. You can as well farm Katagawa Jr. who is located at the Atlas HQ on Promethea, for legendary loots. One Pump Chump can only fire one shot before you need to reload it. Katagawa is… surprisingly quiet in the weeks after the showdown in his Rhys’s office. Katagawa Jr has two different attack styles - sniping from the towers above or meleeing with his katana. Not that Rhys is complaining, mind you, he’s got plenty on his plate, but he’s gotten used to multiple messages a day from the other CEO. You can simply run out of this or move away but be sure to look back as Katagawa Jr may try to attack you at melee range when he uses this attack. Just like most humanoid enemies, Katagawa Jr’s weak spot is simply his head and dealing damage to him on that part can stagger him and deal a good amount of damage. 177. During this final stage, defeat Katagawa Jr. by pumping as much damage as possible into him. Katagawa Ball guards the second piece of the Promethean Vault Key and must be defeated to retrieve it. The original shooter-looter returns, packing an insane amount of guns and an all-new mayhem-fueled adventure! Katagawa Ball. Required fields are marked *. One Pump Chump can only fire one shot before you need to reload it. Shoots slow moving crossbow bolts that have an arcing trajectory. If downed, taking out the the tower versions of Katagawa Jr can be a great way to get a quick revive. Clones will almost instantly disappear as soon as they take health damage. Following a particularly unsatisfying assassination where the target fails to fight back, despite being encouraged by Zer0 to do so, the assassin starts to look for a more challenging environment. You'll meet Borderlands 3 Katagawa Ball boss at the very end of Skywell-27, right after the Rhys-ball blows up Katagawa's precious space yacht, Zanara. He travels to Pandora after hearing of the Vault from a bartender, deemin… His melee attacks deal a lot of damage and in some cases will one-shot you. Katagawa Jr won’t be very hard to kill if you aim for the head and use a strong weapon that can hit him from a distance. How to one shot Katagawa: Use Ties That Bind with the Nova Augment and Shock Element. You want to hit him with phase lock right as he lands. Unlike other bosses in Borderlands 3, you don't necessarily need to move about too much when fighting Katagawa Jr, as the platform in which you begin the battle on is more than enough space to avoid any of his incoming attacks. Katagawa Ball (Story Boss ... (Promethea Skywell-27 Target, Location Video) – Drops Iron Willed Nimble Jack, Shotgun with good airborne accuracy, one shot. ... Borderlands 3 Katagawa Jr… Macintosh PC PlayStation 5 Stadia Xbox Series X Xbox One. Bringing a shock weapon and incendiary weapon can help you take out his shields and health quite fast. There’s also a 50% chance that the shot doesn’t consume any ammo. The Katagawa Ball boss fight is particularly tricky because there’s a definite trick to it, but there’s a hearty amount of cheese you can mix in too. As soon as you land, shoot your Yellowcake at Katagawa Jr. Location. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. 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There are some things you can do to make this fight easier. Weapon . Zer0 is an assassin for hire. The Warden. Borderlands 3 Katagawa Jr Location: Find Katagawa Jr. As part of the Atlas, At Last quest, you're going to be tasked with taking out forces in the Meridian Metroplex. Paragon78x (Paragon78x) May 14, 2020, 3:21pm #14. Picking shots with a strong and accurate weapon can easily drain his health and kill him pretty quick. Did something change with Katagawa recently? Somehow I'm having trouble one-shotting this guy now. ... You can one shot him with a lot of weapons, he has really low health and shield values. The disadvantage of farming him though instead of Graveward is getting to Katagawa when you first start farming him and the fact that there is no vending machines before the fight itself when you quit and load back up. As for the damage stats, the one acquired by Glitching Queen in the aforementioned video is at level 50 and deals 326 damage per shot, fires at a rate of … So avoid melee damage at all costs. Katagawa Jr has two different attack styles - sniping from the towers above or meleeing with his katana. You probably want 5/5 Tempest as well. With this Database you can FILTER, SORT and FIND the best weapons for your build. Deal additional damage to him by shooting the electrical generators scattered around the area, especially if he is standing in the middle of the area or on certain towers. It's important to note that the Katagawa Jr will begin to change his attack style to melee when your screen begins to blur and a large cloud of smoke appears on the ground. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Katagawa Jr is very susceptible to weapons that have good shield damage bonuses. List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 3. 179. Katagawa Jr is a boss that you face during the Atlas, At Last mission who has dressed up like Zer0, attempting to use the same technology with a similar suit. With Katagawa revealed as a knock-off Zer0 using a replicate sword and suit. Katagawa Jr's clones can be completely bypassed - always look for the real Katagawa! I tend to farm katagawa jr due to being able to 1 shot him on mayhem 3 with Amara as soon as the fight starts. He will appear in an outfit similar to that of Zer0’s but with a different color scheme and fight rather cowardly. Is it just me or does the Expert Storm sniper practically oneshot Katagawa jr.? Bringing weapons with good range such as sniper rifles and scoped rifles can greatly speed up the fight with Katagawa Jr. Katagawa Jr. Katagawa Jr will drop common to rare items most of the time with a higher chance to drop the “Firestorm” legendary sniper rifle more than other legendary weapons. "Cut Katagawa Jr's Junior" is a red text modifier on weapons in Borderlands 3. 178. Katagawa's melee attacks can be deadly, avoid them at all cost. You can find Katagawa Jr simply by looking for his name tag, as clones will not have a name tag appear above their heads. Before you take on Katagawa Jr. make sure you have both a good short range and long range weapon. Fireballs explode when hitting any surface. Soleki Protocol. 176. The Katagawa Ball’s weak spot is in its eye at the center which can be shot from small to medium distances. This will one shot him every time as long as your shot is lined up. 6. After managing to find the secret Atlas HQ and getting a Vault Key fragment from Rhys, there's a number of steps that you have to complete before you find Katagawa Jr. Katagawa Jr. (Ninja) Katagawa Jr. is the boss that you will encounter in “Atlas, At last”. Notify me about new: Guides. You can definitely one shot Katagawa Jr. with the right weapon, but the fight can also be annoying if you have trouble killing him. However, it was a ruse. Simply time your shots and wait for him to appear to end the fight quickly and kill him fast before he gets his shields up and attempts to attack from a distance again. True to his deceitful nature, Katagawa Jr. will constantly try to trick you by summoning holographic Digi-Clones that will snipe at you from the perches located in the corners of his arena. Tou should try equipping a weapon that does high single target damage. It consumes 2 ammo per shot. Sandhawk farming/Katagawa jr tips Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 . However, with the special weapon effect, that one shot deals massive damage. Cold, clear water pooled around them, soaking through the knees of his Zer0 suit and the back of Rhys's dark wool slacks and silk dress shirt. Reviews. GenIVIV. Projectiles spawn 3 fireballs on impact that rise up and crash down after 2 seconds. The timing can be a bit tricky, so play around with it. 1 Involvement 2 Appearances 3 Strategy 4 Notes 5 Trivia 6 Gallery 7 See Also 8 External Links Katagawa Ball is the boss at the end of the Space-Laser Tag story mission. Once his life bar is very low, he will begin to attack you repeatedly at melee range which makes it easier to kill him and finish him off. Just keep moving around and spray him with bullets and eventually, Katagawa Jr. … Borderlands 3 General Discussion. The red text effect says "Cut Katagawa Jr's Junior" in Borderlands 3. In order to simply figure out which is the real one, take shots at each until you see his actual life bar on your HUD take damage and keep shooting or attacking at him if this happens. Borderlands 3. Finally, when Katagawa Jr. is near death, he’ll result to nearly melee attacks only and he’ll attack with swift combos, these are better to avoid by jumping out of the way. The Anointed. One Punch is a secret boss on Promethea that you can find in Lectra City. Katagawa Jr. boss strategy in Borderlands 3. In order to simply figure out which is the real one, take shots at each until you see his actual life bar on your HUD take damage and keep shooting or attacking at … Katagawa Jr. not only stole Zer0's suit and weapon designs but tactics as well. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Stage One of Katagawa Ball. Granted Effects . Katagawa Jr./Rhys (Borderlands) Katagawa Jr. (Borderlands) Rhys (Borderlands) Skull Fucking; Eye Trauma; Blood and Gore; Bodily Fluids; Bad end; Alternate Ending; Ficlet; Short One Shot; Summary. Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. ... you’ll need to have an exceptional build set up so you can pretty much one shot most enemies in order to complete the mission within the 25 minutes. He can also create pools of fire on the floor for you to avoid. Once you fully deplete his health, shoot him one final time to put him down for good. He may be one of the most annoying bosses to fight but is pretty much easy to kill with the use of a sniper rifle or other weapon that can deal good damage from afar. He will spawn on the ground and rush you with several quick melee attacks that can be dodged easily by jumping backwards. Shooting the generators will cause any nearby clones to be zapped. Aurelia. 1 billion guns? Questions. Two weeks ago I could easily one-shot this guy with a 300/90 Yellowcake. Manufactured by MALIWAN. Firestorm. Now it's time to take him down. Taking out Atlas' defensive and turning one of Rhys most trusted allies and friends against him. Katagawa Jr will toss what appears to be a smoke grenade which covers an area with smoke like visuals as well as a blurry field. According to his wanted poster and his personal ECHO recordings, he performs both political assassinations and common hits. 174. Hopefully easier to get then Kaoson, Iv done like 5 hours of farming and I one shot Traunt, but no Kaoson yet. Obtained from KATAGAWA JR or ANY LOOT SOURCE. The Rampager. Thanks for all the tips, I will give it a shot. The only way to obtain One Pump Chump is from One Punch. Viralfrost (Unknown) October 1, 2020, 7:02pm #3. Can greatly speed up the fight starts, he performs both political and! On Promethea that you can as well farm Katagawa Jr. you can well... Find the best weapons for your build one-shot this guy now your build figure out in my build maybe. 3 is the boss that you can FILTER, SORT and FIND the best weapons for your.... To this or any other game final time to put him down for good, packing insane! 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katagawa jr one shot 2021