Shri Man Singh … Komal Bali: Appeal DC INDORE DIV-1. Eligible candidates may check OSSC Recruitment 2016 notification from our website. Promotions - Sr TA, ITI, ITO (Group-B Gazetted), Assistant Commissioner and so on.His/Her next promotion is to the post of Senior TA for which 3 years of service is a qualification i.e he cannot be promoted to that post before 3 years of his tenure. Mainly clerical. Odisha Staff Selection Commission … Kolkata Area, India. 2,400. A large number of candidates those who are interested in this these latest govt jobs have applied through this OSSC ACTO Recruitment 2017. CITATION CODES. The Online Application will be available from 1st Week of February 2019 and the last date of … He also gets a SIM from the department on which all STD or LOCAL calls on any phone of BSNL or MTNL are totally free. Application Fee – Rs … I have applied for the post of Ossc assistant commercial tax officer. Pay band - Salary of Tax Assistant(TA) in CBIC is in the pay level 4 (Rs 25500 to 81100) with grade pay of Rs. TA could also be asked to do any clerical work like work related to. Apply kaise Krna hoga and kya me eligible hu. This type of posting is considered to be the best among all. Completion of probation period of 2 years is a must for the ICT transfer.3. Define Assistant Commercial Tax Officer. 56. Assistant Commissioner (CT), Villivakkam Assistant Commissioner (CT), Villivakkam No.15 & 16, Malligai avenue, 100 Feet Road, Villivakkam, COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICER DATE OF JUDGMENT07/02/1994 BENCH: JEEVAN REDDY, B.P. No physical copy of an application to be sent to OSSC by the candidates other than Special Category. Age Limit for UR is 18-27 years. Il travaille également en appui aux commerciaux sur terrain et leur sert de relais en cas de besoin. Name of the Post: Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (ACTO). Odisha OSSC Recruitment 2019: – Here we are providing the latest updates related to the recruitment, result, answer key and others. Eligible candidates may check OSSC Recruitment 2016 notification from our website. For the candidates who are searching for a State Government Job, this is the great opportunity. Candidate needs to apply for OSSC ACTO Recruitment 2016 through Online. In the home page, you can find the ‘Online Application’ link. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer. When TA is posted at a seat that belongs to non-assessment, he/she is supposed to do only clerical work. … 21/09/2016. JUDGMENT M.L. Excise Inspector/PO/Examiner3. 2,400. Odisha Staff Selection Commission, Bhubaneswar has issued this notification for filling 115 OSSC Tax Officer Jobs on a contract basis. Service Tax3. D’une manière générale, il s’occupe de tâches administratives et commerciales comme les relan… Assistant Commercial Tax Officer. Soon the OSSC ACTO Result 2018 will be issued. TA could also be asked to do any clerical work like work related to diary and dispatch, noting, drafting etc. We have also started a course for all those students who have just started their preparation journey for SSC Exams. Vs. RESPONDENT: ASSTT. If eligible and interested, click on Apply Online link or make use of the direct link provided above. Shri Ram Raj Yadav: HEAD QUARTER. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); OSSC Tax Officer Jobs | OSSC Recruitment 2016 – Apply Online for 115 Posts. Deputy Commissioner (+4 years)6. Tax Assistant in CBIC can have three types of postings namely1. Broadly you can divide his duties as follows:A. Being Group-C service, the age relaxation for UR central govt employees servicing for 3 years continuously is 40 years for this post. Commercial Tax Officer, Perambur Commercial Tax Officer, Perambur No.15 & 16, Malligai avenue, 100 Feet Road, Villivakkam, Chennai – 600 099. Inter Charge TransferThe transfer is possible but it’s not a too certain or easy thing to happen. Besides, a departmental exam (in the name of Departmental exam for Ministerial Staff). Bench: M Pendse, A Sadashiva . Nature of WorkMainly clerical. He/she could also be asked to accompany the RAID team. At present Orissa Staff Selection Commission has come up with the notification for recruitment of Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Posts on a contract basis. To download the OSSC … Also, ACTO is the procurator for tax reforms bridging between the tax department and the trade community. The official website where you can get the Orissa SSC Recruitment 2016 notification is of West Bengal. OSSC Asst Commercial Tax Officer Syllabus 2016 is now available on our site for free download. OSSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Recruitment 2019, Odisha SSC Jobs 2019, OSSC Tax Officer Vacancies 2019, OSSC Tax Officer Online Application Form apply before September 2019. Inspector of Income Tax/ Deputy Assistant Director: Assistant Section Officer Police Inspector/ Section Officer 5 4800 Income Tax Officer/ Special Agent of Income Tax CID/ Additional Assistant Director: Section Officer Deputy Superintendent of Police/Block Development Officer 6 Junior Time Scale Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax/ Entry-level (IRS probationer) Assistant … 395 likes. TSPSC Deputy Collector, Commercial Tax Officer Recruitment 2019 Notification @ Community. 2063 of 1991. Pendse, C.J. Jwelika Vyas HEAD QUARTER 3 Shri Ram Raj Yadav HEAD QUARTER 4 Shri Balchandra karpenter HEAD QUARTER 5 Smt. Smt. Name of the Post: Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Posts. Odisha Staff Selection Commission is inviting online applications to fill 115 OSSC Tax Officer Jobs. 4600 GP. : 0141-2227967, Email id : Dy. We hope that the article has cleared all your doubts regarding the, SSC CHSL Result 2019-2020 for Tier 1: Direct Link for SSC CHSL Marks, Cut Off, SSC JHT, SHT & Hindi Pradhyapak 2020-21 Result (Paper-1) Out, Physics Notes on Optics for Railways & SSC Exams, SSC & Railways GREEN CARD: Unlimited Access to all the Mocks | Register Now. Download and take a print of it for future use. Please inform changes/corrections/updations in entries to [ACCT (Admin HQ)], Contact No. Principal Accounts Officer. Pay Scale: Rs. ADD 1132 was intercepted. A large number of candidates passionate about getting Assistant Commercial Tax Officer posts have applied for the announced posts during the application dates. Sr Accountant after 3 years2. The Competition is severed this year for Assistant Commercial Tax Officer posts. 26510570 Deputy Commissioner (CT), Zone V 57. Also, the candidate should pass Odia Language equivalent to ME Standard. A.J Sadashiva, J. Pay Band - Salary of Tax Assistant(TA) in CBIC is in the pay level 4 (Rs 25500 to 81100) with grade pay of Rs. TA (CBDT) is supposed to do the work related to the assessment of the income tax of an individual or a partnership firm or a company or as the case may be , and he/she has to feed that data in the … If you still have any further queries related to the article, feel free to post them in the comment section. Assistant Commercial Tax officer Directorate of Commercial Taxes,Govt. Passing of Various Bills: Salary, Allowances, Office Expenses, Contingent Bills etc.B. sir i have lost my regitration id and password i have even asked in the forget password option but didnt recieve the mail wht to do..??? Senior Tax Assistant2. 1. Age Limit for UR is 18-27 years. When TA is posted at a seat that belongs to non-assessment, he/she is supposed to do only clerical work. Customs. Age Limit for UR is 18-27 years. Excise2. Jwelika Vyas: HEAD QUARTER. Dwaipayan Lahiri. Mostly he works under Superintendent or Appraiser but at some, , he also works under Examiner, PO and Excise Inspector. Commissioner: 1: Cadre Post : 2: Spl.Commissioner 9300 – 34,800/- + Grade pay Rs. Through this article, we have tried to present a clear picture of the Job profile, Work Nature and salary of a Tax Assistant & an Accountant. Gurdeep Kaur Kang HEAD QUARTER 2 Smt. sensitive area where his work nature is mostly clerical. Contenders who are waiting for the Latest Job Updates of Odisha Government Posts here is good news for them. and dispatch, noting, drafting etc. The vacancy details of Odisha Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2016 are given below. Dwaipayan Lahiri Assistant Commercial Tax Officer at Government of West Bengal . If the vacancy is not available, the promotion will take more than 3 years. Shri Mukesh Pancholia: DC INDORE DIV-1. The eligibility criteria given here is based on the eligibility conditions given in official Odisha Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2016 Notification. Age Limit –Between 21 to 32 years as on 01 Jan 2016. is possible but it’s not a too certain or easy thing to happen. So career wise it is not good to opt for TA in CBIC. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Annual General Transfer2. Mostly he works under Superintendent or Appraiser but at some places, he also works under Examiner, PO and Excise Inspector. 1.4 Download OSSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Syllabus 2016 PDF; OSSC Asst Commercial Tax Officer Syllabus 2016. A Tax Assistant. (J) BENCH: JEEVAN REDDY, B.P. He/she could also be asked to accompany the RAID team. This is w.e.f 2017. Being Group-C service, the age relaxation for UR central govt employees servicing for 3 years continuously is 40 years for this post. Get your Green card now. To avoid the technical issues we are updating a working link on this page. It is important to know the pattern of the question paper before appearing for the test. They are generally posted in Pay and Accounts Offices and Divisional Offices under various ministries. Selon la taille … Apply Online for OSSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Recruitment. TA puts up the file for any new Registration/Cancellation of license or any other permissions. Sir, Is tier 3 compulsory for all the posts? Tax Assistant in CBDT can be posted at two levels - either in the assessment of tax or in non-assessment. Also, there will be a detailed instruction link. They need to submit the application form along with required documents at the time of Viva Voce Test. The candidates who are willing to apply for OSSC Tax Officer Recruitment 2016 should meet the eligibility criteria given below. Pay Band - This is a post in the pay scale 5 (Rs 29200 to 92300) and a grade pay of Rs 2,800. Name. There must be vacancies in the zone you want to get transferred into.2. Additional Commissioner of Income Tax (+5 years)Tax Assistant is usually promoted to Senior Tax Assistant in 3 years after his joining and can become Excise inspector/PO in next 3-4 years that means in total 6-7 years he can reach up to 4600 GP. ASSISTANT COMMERCIAL TAXES OFFICER Vs. ONKARA ROADWAYS SANJAY GANDHI TRANSPORT NAGAR Judgment Dated 08-05-2013 of high court of rajasthan having citation (2014) 43 GST 381 (RAJ) , include bench Judge Vijay Bishnoi, J having Advocates For Petitioner : Vinit Kumar Mathur, for the Appellant; Dinesh Mehta, for the Respondent Click here to enrol yourself in the course for maximum benefits (Start FREE Trial). The … The official website where you can … COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICER (NAME WISE) EMAIL ID Helpline 0522-2721944 | 0522-3312600 | 18001805223 | email: cthelplinelu-up[at]nic[dot]in: Designed, Developed & Hosted by National Informatics Centre, U P State Unit Lucknow Content owned by Department of Commercial Taxes, Uttar Pradesh. But such candidates can’t be promoted to the post of Excise Inspector/PO/Examiner. L'assistant(e) commercial(le) assure le suivi des clients et de leurs commandes à distance, pour un secteur géographique ou une gamme de produits, en collaboration avec les attaché(e)s commerciaux(les) sur le terrain ainsi qu'avec la direction commerciale. But this exam is just an eligibility i.e he/she can be promoted only according to his seniority. is a must to pass for promotion. 0.25 negative marking for each wrong answer question. Name of the Officer Posting. COMMERCIALISER, DIFFUSER. Click on that and read the OSSC notification carefully. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Government official dies of COVID-19 in Telanagana hospital a month after being admitted for delivery A video shot … Broadly you can divide his duties as follows: of revenue and compiling the expenditures incurred in civil ministries. Dealing with Pension and GPF matters: New Pension Scheme, Revision of Pension,C. Hurry up!! Web Information Manager - Sri. Assistant Accounts Officer after qualifying the AAO (Civil) Exam which consists of 9 descriptive papers3. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer. Komal Bali Appeal DC INDORE DIV-1 6 Shri Mukesh Pancholia DC INDORE DIV-1 7 Shri Harish Kumar Morya INDORE Circle-1 8 … He/She can appear in this exam any time after his/her joining; according to the schedule declared. Shri Harish Kumar Morya: INDORE Circle-1 . For being promoted to ITI there is also a departmental exam. Writ Appeal No. Get Unlimited Access to all Mock Tests on a single card. After promoted to Sr TA, he is promoted to ITI. … Age Limit for UR is 18-27 year. M.L Pendse, C.J. ACTO is the first-level field officer. citation codes. There are 2 types of transfers available in this department.1. Assistant Commissioner5. The eligibility criteria include both educational qualification and age limit. 'Attempt subject wise questions in our new practise section' Click here, Download Gradeup, the best government exam app for Preparation. The candidates who are looking for Government Jobs in Odisha can check OSSC Recruitment 2016 Notification. 519 likes. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer And Another v. Ruby Traders Karnataka High Court (24 Aug, 1995) 24 Aug, 1995; Subsequent References; Similar Judgments; Assistant Commercial Tax Officer And Another v. Ruby Traders. For reserved categories add to it the usual age relaxation available to them. Note: Colour Blind Candidates can apply for this post. Job Profile or Duties of An ACTO or Assistant Commercial Tax Officer ... Commercial Tax Officer Govt. (J) CITATION: 1994 SCR (1) 682 1994 SCC (2) 434 JT 1994 (1) 692 1994 SCALE (1)512 ACT: HEADNOTE: JUDGMENT: The Judgment of the Court was delivered by B.P. The grade pay of Senior Accountant is Rs 4,200.Promotions1. Tax Assistant in CBDT can be posted at two levels - either in the assessment of tax or in non-assessment. For Candidates other than Special Category: Download OSSC Asst Commercial Tax Officer Notification 2016 PDF, Filed Under: Government Jobs in Orissa Tagged With: Odisha Staff Selection Commission, OSSC Recruitment,, Pls give ur all information related to ossc. Interested and eligible candidates have to apply for OSSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Recruitment from 22/08/2016 to 21/09/2016. Promotions depend on the number of vacancies available in that region and you have to pass the departmental examination of the same.NOTE - I: TA (Customs) can apply only for promotion for PO and Examiner.NOTE - II: TA (Excise) can apply only for promotion for Excise Inspector. View Saubhanik Chakrabarti’s full profile to. You can also check the notification regarding OSSC Tax Officer Jobs from the official website. Many of the aspirants have no idea what actually a Tax Assistant or an Accountant in a Government Office does. The candidate has to apply for OSSC Tax Officer Jobs on or before the last date i.e. Odisha Public Service Commission has published a notification for appointing candidates in Assistant Commercial Tax Officer posts. There are a number of points which must be in your favour simultaneously like1. Fill the application form with correct details. of Posts : Pay Scale (As per Revised Pay Scales) Average Total emoluments : 1. Telangana State Public Service Commission has recently released the recruitment Notification for Deputy Collector, Commercial Tax Officer of 1500+ Vacancies on its Official website Annually, OSSC releases several notifications to select the candidates for available vacancies. Also, the best thing is that the medium of this course is BILINGUAL!! Odisha SSC Recruitment 2016 Notification with “Advertisement No. 1. TA (CBDT) is supposed to do the work related to the assessment of the income tax of an individual or a partnership firm or a company or as the case may be, and he/she has to feed that data in the computer. Takes almost 15 years after becoming AAO.4. The OSSC ACTO examination was conducted in many examination centers across the state. L’assistant commercial participe aux ventes et peut être chargé de l’élaboration des devis, des bons de livraison et des factures. As per official OSSC Notification 2016, total vacancies available are 115 for Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (ACTO). This SIM is provided to every TA in CBDT irrespective of the type of the seat he is posted at. Sl. See more of Assistant Commercial Tax Officer on Facebook The candidates other than Special Category Candidates need not required to submit the OSSC application through offline along with other documents. CTET 2019 Exam: Weekly 'Super 7' Quizzes! OSSC ACTO Admit Card: The aspirants who had successfully completed the application process for the Assistant Commercial Tax Officer position in Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) to appear in the Preliminary exam it is the great news for all applied candidates.Every applicant must download the admit card 1 week prior to the examination date. He also gets a SIM from the department on which all STD or LOCAL calls on any phone of BSNL or MTNL are totally free. CASE NO. Relaxation in upper age limit is applicable as per government rules. ESE Final Result 2019 Released, Check ESE (IES) Result Here. (J) HANSARIA B.L. Jobs: Eligibility, Selection Criteria & other important details - Duration: 3:32. But this exam is just an eligibility i.e he/she can be promoted only according to his seniority. Gradeup Presents Green Card to your dream job. After promoted to Sr TA, he is promoted to ITI. Any otherAge Limit in SSC CGL for this post is 18-27 for UR.NOTE - I: Colour Blind candidates can prefer this post.NOTE - II: Being Group-C service, the age relaxation for UR central govt employees servicing for 3 years (continuously) is 40 years for this post. YASHWANT SINHA & OTHERS V CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THROUGH ITS DIRECTOR & ANOTHER. Devenir assistant ou assistante commerciale implique de travailler au service commercial d’une entreprise et de venir en appui des opérations commerciales. Author: M Pendse. Puneet Tripathi, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Commercial … To check detailed salary, Click on SSC CGL Salary 2019 (In hand & Post-wise) after 7th Pay Commission. At present Orissa Staff Selection Commission has come up with the notification for recruitment of Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Posts on a contract basis. Age Limit for UR is 18-27 years. 4200/-. However, the upper age limit could be 36 years in some states. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer ... vs Ruby Traders on 24 August, 1995. Exam Takers must … Granting Family Pension, Gratuity, Leave Encashment, Group Insurance, etcD. Odisha Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Prelims Result 2017. Equivalent citations: 2003 133 STC 175 Kar. He/She can appear in this exam any time after his/her joining; according to the schedule declared. Promotions depend on the number of vacancies available in that region and you have to pass the departmental examination of the same. of tax or in non-assessment. Leave a Comment / Case analysis / By [email protected] The case is related to the Rafale deal entered into by India and France and pertains to the three classified documents that provide evidence to the political storm. He has to pass a confirmatory exam first to be confirmed. This comment is hidden because it was marked spam., Sir for village accountant exam what is the study procedure, Today, we will discuss the work profiles & salaries of a. , we have tried to present a clear picture of the Job profile, Work Nature and salary of a Tax Assistant & an Accountant. Gurdeep Kaur Kang: HEAD QUARTER. regarding OSSC Asst Commercial Tax Officer Recruitment 2016 notification are given below. The OSSC copy should be submitted before 06/10/2016 along with some required documents to the following address. Commercial, vente, export; Activités principales. See who you know in common; Get introduced; Contact Saubhanik directly; Join to view full profile People also viewed. The promotion time from TA to Senior TA is presently 10 years. The OSSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Cut Off Marks 2018 varies different factors such as Total Number of Aspirants participated in the Written Test, Difficulty Level, Previous Year Cut Off Marks, Category Wise and much more. Last Date for Submission of Application Form: The candidates should possess Bachelor’s Degree from any recognised university. STA usually takes 8-9 years to become an examiner i.e after a total 12 years of joining. You can also check the notification regarding OSSC Tax Officer Jobs from the official website. Applicants need to pay the application fee through online/offline before the last date of application. ASSISTANT COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICER. STA usually takes 8-9 years to become an examiner i.e after a total 12 years of joining. The details like eligibility criteria, vacancy details, age limit, application process, selection process, application fee, etc. Educational Qualification – Candidates passed in Bachelor’s Degree and cleared Middle School Exam in Odia Language. means any person appointed by the Deputy Commissioner by name or by virtue of his office to exercise the powers of an Assistant Commercial Tax Officer; HYDERABAD Assistant Professor Vaageswari Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Karimnagar. Today, we will discuss the work profiles & salaries of a Tax Assistant & an Accountant recruited through SSC CGL. Name of the Organization: Odisha Staff Selection Commission. Famille de métier. There are. The Special Category Candidates need to apply through Online and Offline. These details may help the candidates to know the post wise vacancies, category wise vacancies and total vacancies under OSSC Recruitment 2016. I want all previous solved paper related for this job . Case Information. S.No. tax assistant me kitna cutoff final jata hai please reply. Age Limit in SSC CGL for this post is 18-27 for UR. Community. ASSISTANT COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICER. PETITIONER: PRINTERS (MYSORE) LTD. Odisha SSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Exam Pattern 2020. This is an administrative post and is common in the Commercial Tax Subordinate Service Department of different State Governments. This SIM is provided to every TA in CBDT irrespective of, His/Her next promotion is to the post of Senior TA for which 3 years of service is a qualification i.e he cannot be promoted to that post before 3 years of his tenure. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer. Smt. To become a Commercial Tax Officer a candidate’s age must fall into the range of 21 years to 42 years in the year of examination. His work mainly includes dispatch and prepare some reports of the section he is posted in. For being promoted to ITI there is also a departmental exam. Sir is there any current vacancy for income tax assistant. Assistant Commissioner ... Commercial Tax Officers C T O Sector -1,Noida: 7235001264 : C T O Sector -2,Noida: 7235001265 : C T O Sector -3,Noida: 7235001266 : C T O Sector -4,Noida: 7235001267 : C T O Sector -5,Noida: 7235001268 : C T O Sector -6,Noida: 7235001269 : C T O Sector -8,Noida: 7235001270 : C T O Sector -9,Noida: 7235001271 : C T O Sector -10,Noida: … TA (CBDT) is supposed to do the work related to, of the income tax of an individual or a partnership firm or a company or as the case may be, he/she has to feed that data in the computer. Receipts and Payments: To see the accounting of revenue and compiling the expenditures incurred in civil ministries.E. Tax Assistant is usually promoted to Senior Tax Assistant in 3 years after his joining, and can become Excise inspector/PO in next 3-4 years that means in total 6-7 years he can reach. This type of posting is considered to be the best among all. His work mainly includes dispatch and prepare some reports of the section he is posted in. Besides, a departmental exam (in the name of Departmental exam for Ministerial Staff) is a must to pass for promotion. This course will prepare you for upcoming SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, and other related examinations. They are generally posted in Pay and Accounts Offices and Divisional Offices under various ministries. A Tax Assistant can also be posted in a sensitive area where his work nature is mostly clerical. IIE-100/2016/2786/OSSC” was released recently on 17/08/2016. Check Odisha SSC Assistant Commercial Tax Officer Exam Pattern 2020 given below. Joint Commissioner (+4 years)7. The written exam consists of Objective-based questions. Shri Balchandra karpenter: HEAD QUARTER. TA puts up the file for any new Registration/Cancellation of license or any other permissions. 1 Smt. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer | Department of Commercial Taxes | GST | VAT | CST | PT | & Others Government of Telangana Dec 2019 - Present 1 year 1 month. Administration of both the zones must be cooperative and liberal. To apply for OSSC Recruitment 2016, click on the below link. Sr Accounts Officer. The vehicle was in-charge of the … NAME OF THE POST : No. Posting: Smt. Three years of compulsory service at the post is the minimum qualifying period for his promotion to the next post of Sr Accountant. If you are interested in working at a Odisha Government, check the eligibility and further details regarding OSSC Recruitment 2016 for Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (ACTO) posts in this article. Written Examination (Preliminary & Main). Jul 2012 - Jun 2019 7 years. L’Assistant(e) commercial(e) assure le traitement des commandes et le suivi de la relation commerciale de l’entreprise (clients/fournisseurs), participe au développement commercial, assiste la direction ou l’équipe commerciale, gère la prise de rendez-vous et la préparation de réunion et produit les documents liés à la relation commerciale (facturation, … After completion of applications, the … The work of a Tax Assistant is purely clerical. The pattern of the type of posting is considered to be the best Government exam for! When TA is presently 10 years Officer... vs Ruby Traders on August. Govt Jobs have applied for the ICT transfer.3 exam app for preparation or Commercial! 2019: – here we are providing the latest updates related to the next post of OSSC Assistant Commercial Officer. From 22/08/2016 to 21/09/2016 vacancy is not available, the best thing is that the medium of this,! 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