Cleaned, uncooked grains of rice. Thoroughly Modern Millie is making her rounds again thanks to Millie Bobby Brown. Mary, the most classic of Irish baby girl names, is on the wane in modern Ireland. Back to the Future? It remained steadily hidden through the baby boomer era but is now popular in a great number of countries. This name Alice became popular after the fairy tale “Alice in a Wonderland”. A Heian-era (9th-12th century) pronunciation of "Uma" that was retained as a name. "Stop" (ç), a name reflecting the parents' wish to have no more children. Because chestnuts were associated with the late autumn, I wouldn't be surprised if this name were given to girls born when chestnuts were in season. url = url.replace( /#/, "" ); The name connotes a character as strong as metal. | Name of the Week ». Plum blossom (æ¢
). Boys top name was John which has slowly dropped over the last 120 years, but is still in the top twenty popular boys names. Originally a common element of aristocratic men's names. Along with Emma and Elisa, other French girl names from France's Top 100 list of 1900 include Estelle, Eva, Zelia, Sidonie, Clarisse, Lucile, Celina, and Émilie. Now (ä»). (Mary was the most popular … Mulberry tree (æ¡). Goods, possessions (å). Possibly "peak, summit" (å³°), implying eminence. Possibly "rope, bond (綱)," a name that implies control. Could also be spelled ä¹ç®, sevenfold foresight (lit. ), but most men shed it when they changed their name in their late teens or early 20's. Princess or high-ranking woman, an aristocratic title used as a complete name. There aren't too many of the traditional Scottish girl names listed above, but you'll see some modern variants. Possibly "happiness" (幸) or "snow" (éª). Boulder, rock (岩), connoting firmness of character. 27. Spring (æ¥), or peace, tranquility (æ²»), Possibly "chick, doll, cute little thing (é)". Less common toward the end of the century. Looking at the earliest list, it’s clear that times have changed. Click on each year to see a full list of the top boys' and girls' names. Possibly "slender bamboo" (ç¯ ), a species of bamboo. Also, I have been compiling the ranks myself, and while I have endeavored to record the number of names as accuarely as possible I am also liable to human error. Doubly accomplished. These are the most popular given names in the United States of America for all years of the 1880s. Foundling (æ¨), a name that remained very common until the end of the 19th century. Bear (ç), a symbol of bravery and strength. It was an element in women's names as early as 1147. Alice (German origin), one of top 10 baby girl names in the 1800s and it means “nobility”. The Social Security Administration’s website offers lists of the top baby names of every decade going back to the 1880s. It was also given to boys as an element of their childhood name (Tomejirou, Tomematsu, etc. Main Possibly "to steam" (è¸), referring to steaming food. Probably "one, first" (ä¸) or "marketplace" (å¸). The name has associations of constancy and straightforwardness. ), implying long-lived. For boys, Jack and Gordon — #87 and #96 in 1890 — also did not rank in the Top 200 in 1880. It didn't even figure in the top 70 girl's names in 2015 when just 91 Marys were registered. What is different is the declining number of children given these names over that time period: William1880 - 50,525 births1890 - 45,925 births1900 - 44,912 births, Mary1880 - 39,612 births1890 - 27,802 births1900 - 22,194 births. Given to girls born in the Year of the Horse. 2019 – Sophia, Olivia, and Emma; Liam, Jackson, and Noah Given to girls born in the Year of the Ox. Alexandra (Greek origin), this baby girl name means “defender”. Monkey. The trend for … Ten thousand, a name reflecting the hope that the bearer (or their family line) will live for ten thousand years. (The rice you buy at the store is yone.) Popular Names in France 1900 (top 500) Menu. Silver (é), a name connoting a character as strong as metal. Compare that to the 8,427 boys named Oliver and 5,297 girls named Olivia in 2010 and we can see how our concept of "popular" no longer means what it once did. Rabbit. In use in female names by 1147, Matsu was one of the most popular names or name elements from the medieval era through the beginning of the 20th century. The 2020 information is not yet available. For girls, the names Kirsty, Stacey and Leanne had trouble surviving in 2015, with Kirsty dropping from 53 to 1324 in just 19 years. Pasture. Because of this history, a girl named Ichi who wrote her name "å¸" might be named after the marketplace near where she was born, or she might be her parents' first daughter. After Yekaterina, the Russian form of Catherine, the most popular girls' names were Anna, Maria, Yelena, Olga and Tatyana. In use as a female name element by 1147, and given as a standalone name by 1428. Gold, metal (é). Light, shining (å
), an element of female names as early as 1147. Girls born in the Year of the Dragon could be named Tatsu, but the name was also given to girls born in any other year. var e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src',''+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e); Names in common use for boys from 1800 to 1850 include several choices now found more often for girls. Storehouse (èµ, å). This Germanic saint’s name means ‘strong’. One thousand, a name referring to longevity. } else { It was #3 in 1904, #10 in 1900 (11,354 births), #76 in 1890 (863 births) but wasn't even in the Top 300 in 1880 with only 12 births. This, however, should not affect the rankings very much overall.. Statistics compiled by Eleanor Nickerson at No unauthorised copying without credit or permission. Peak Popularity: Chiara has been in the top 10 girl names in Italy for the past 20 years and was the second most popular in 2000 and 2001. Popular baby names change from decade to decade, and some names remain popular for centuries, like these baby names that are making a major comeback from the late 1800s! Turtle, a symbol of longevity. If you want to see which girl names are popular in Scotland today, here's a (provisional) list of the Top 20 Scottish Girl Names for 2016 (according to the National Records of Scotland website). The name was in use as early as 1572, pronounced Iha. Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog. The ten most popular girl’s names of 1885, according to data compiled by the Social Security Administration were: Mary, Anna, Emma, Elizabeth, Margaret, Minne, Clara, Bertha, Ida and Annie. In Greece, Berenice means "victory bringer." Births were originally recorded by a registrar (in their own handwriting) which were later typed up into the register. A name given to girls born in the Year of the Rabbit. Bring these 1980s favorites back! Given to girls born in the Year of the Rooster. "Last" or "end" (æ«), a name indicating the parents' hope that they will have no more children. The name was in use by 1332, and was relatively common in the 1600's, but rare by the 1800's. Drinking dew from a chrysanthemum was believed to bring you long life, or even (in legend) eternal youth. Stone (ç³), connoting firmness of character. |. Commonly used as a name for maidservants as well as a name given at birth. The most popular 10 names in that year were John, Patrick, James, Michael, Thomas, William, Joseph, Edward, Daniel and Peter. Hottest names in recent years. Bird. A popular name in the 1500's and the early 1600's, but obsolete by the end of the century. However for boys, names Calum and Shaun are falling into disuse, with Craig suffering the biggest drop – it was 81 in 1996 but 771 last year. Mulberry leaves were essential to the production of silk, and the berries were used for everything from making liquor to dyeing cloth. 28. Evie (F) (English origin) means "life" or "lively". Ebba: Ebba could make an uncommon alternative to Emma and Ella. 25. Dog (ç¬), connoting faithfulness and loyalty. It was one of the most popular upper-class Victorian baby names in the 1700s. The zodiacal sign of the Dragon (è¾°), a symbol of good fortune, success, and wealth. Some of the most notable early African-American names: Could also mean "correct, righteous" (æ£) or "elegant" (é
). If you had to guess what the most popular names were in the late 1800s, you’d probably dream up out-of-date names such as Virgil and Elmer, or Eula and Blanche. Second, probably a name given to second-born girls. It has never been in the top 1,000 girl names in the U.S., but the variants Claire and Clara are in the top 100 in recent years. Given to girls born in the Year of the Monkey. Posted at 09:49 PM in Data Analysis and Statistics, Historic Names, Popularity Ranking, Research | Permalink, | Because rice was used as currency, "yone" has a connotation of wealth. Emma (F) (English origin) means "universal". Filly or pony (é§), a name given to girls born in the Year of the Horse. Everlasting rice (ä¹
ç±³ , ç²), with the connotation of everlasting wealth. 25 Best Old-Fashioned Baby Names for Girls. The #1 names for boys and girls remain the same for 1900, 1890 and 1880: William and Mary. } Wisteria, a symbol of filial piety. The same kanji can connote refinement and dignity. Baby girl names popular in current day France include Manon, Anais, Noemie, Kenza, and Maeva Most affected names can be ones taken from popular TV shows and films. Maria was only slightly more popular with 119 registrations. Hey, few other names appear in … I’d better declare at the start that this list of first names is confined purely to people with my surname – Rimmer – who are mainly based in North West England, but it gives a reasonably representative snapshot of first names throughout England as a whole from the 1840s through to the 1990s. Ima was in use as early as 1572 as a standalone name, and was a female name element much earlier. These include Addison, Elisha, Ellis, Emery, Loren, Madison and Marion. It was in use as a personal name as early as 793. Shrine, an element of female names as early as 793. These names are all authentic Japanese commoner's names from the 17th … } else if ( query != "pintix=1" ) { Possibly "springing shoots of rice (稲)," implying a nurturing nature. Tiger, a name implying the tiger's bravery. Cranes were believed to live for a thousand years. Kura is sometimes translated as "treasure-house" to reflect its importance, but even humble families would have kura to protect their food supplies and to shelter in during storms. This name was in use by 1332, and remained popular until the 1800's. seven + eye, seeing). These old fashioned girl names are the best way to channel an era past when naming your daughter. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Purity was an extremely important concept for medieval and Edo-era Japanese, and "kiyo," meaning physical and spiritual purity, was one of the strongest words for purity. Following from the statistics I compiled for the Top 200 names in 1900 and the Top 200 names in 1890, I have finally finished compiling the rankings for the most popular births in England and Wales in 1880 from the original scanned pages of the England & … Popular Given Names US, 1801-1999. The story of her love affair with Takakura was made into a NÅ play named after her. A Heian name that was more common at the beginning of the 17th century and largely obsolete by the end of the century. By Jerome London Updated August 9, 2018. Given to girls born in the Year of the Horse. Uncommon, and less popular toward the end of the century. } Kiku was one of the most common Japanese names until at least the end of the 19th century, and continues to be popular as an element in geishas' names. 1000 Most Popular Names of the 1880s Mary was the top girls name in the 1880s and stayed number one until the 1950s. The name was quite popular in the 1800s and then declined in popularity. … One of the most popular 1800s names. In the 1800s, Della was popularly used as a short form for names like Adelle, Adelaide, and Adeline. Hanging sleeve (æ¯), referring to the fluttering sleeves worn by women. Some names are invariably recorded incorrectly and it is impossible to know where the mistake was made. Dyeing was central to Japanese style, and mention of dyes implied lots of rich, bright color. [ Read: Royal Names For Baby Girl] 21. Possibly "Wait! Kiyo remained a popular name (or name root) well into the 20th century. The turtle was believed to live for ten thousand years. 20. The wisteria was an element in female names as early as 1147. Dye, dyer (æ). If you had to guess what the most popular names were in the late 1800s, you’d probably dream up out-of-date names such as Virgil and Elmer, or Eula and Blanche. Victorian names were often fairly plain but yet impressive names such as John and Mary. Horse (馬). Gold (é); also means "metal" or "wealth." Kane was an element in female names by 1155. Sign In; Register window.location=permalink+"?pintix=1"; -- Melissa, Angela, Jessica, Amber, Lauren, Brittany, Heather, Lisa, April and more Pure, clean, clear, bright (æ¸
). Following from the statistics I compiled for the Top 200 names in 1900 and the Top 200 names in 1890, I have finally finished compiling the rankings for the most popular births in England and Wales in 1880 from the original scanned pages of the England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915. I love looking back at all the baby names that have come in and out of popularity over the years. Kane was an element in female commoners' names by 1332. Seen in the 17th century, when hanging sleeves were coming into fashion, but obsolete by the end of the century, possibly because the sleeves were no longer a novelty. Tassel (æ¿), a name connoting completeness—"right down to the tassels.". if ( permalink == url ) { The same kanji and pronunciation can mean "talented," as well. One of the most popular names for parents who enjoyed the … In the 1800’s the name found itself in the top 5 th or 6 th spot. This name was in use as early as 1332, and remained popular until the early 20th century. Cow, ox; a symbol of physical strength. From the verb kaneru, meaning "to do two things at the same time." var url = document.URL; By the late 1800's, some educated Japanese considered it vulgar, but it was still in occasional use. Possibly "love (æ)" or "girl (女å)." If you know in your heart that your little girl is destined to be an old soul, read through this list of old-fashioned girl names now. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is moderated, lively, and welcoming.With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest questions, and connect … Middle, midmost (ä¸), often meaning the bearer was middle-born or mid-ranking. Cooking pot (é). Double prosperity (å½ã
). The å¸ kanji was often used in men's names as a replacement for the ä¸ kanji, possibly because the ä¸ kanji was too easy to secretly turn into another kanji. Koma was an element of female names as early as 793. var query =; Popular Given Names from the 1830’s-1840’s (According to a sample from the 1850 U.S. Census) Popular Female Names- Mary,3233 Elizabet,1828 Sarah,1640 Martha,747 Margaret,694 Nancy,611 Catherin,591 Ann,590 Jane,532 Susan,519 Emily,486 Harriet,399 Lucy,391 Frances,326 Ellen,316 Caroline,314 Rebecca,299 Lou,299 Hannah,276 The SSA keeps track of what the most popular names are going all the way back to the late-1800s. Pine tree, a symbol of longevity, steadfastness, and faithful friendship in the face of adversity. The most marked difference between 1880 and 1890 can be found in the name Doris which we can clearly see was an "it" name in the 1890s. Less popular were Roza, Kira, Agniya and Varvara. Famous name bearer: Emily Bronte. To give you a little preview, we've provided a sampling of each year's favorites. The list above refers to the top 1,000 baby girl names from 2019, as determined by birth certificate data. 26. Lafcadio Hearn, writing at the end of the 19th century, explains: Bamboo, a symbol of longevity and uprightness. Possibly "town, street" (çº), a name element in use in women's names as early as 1147. A popular name given to girls born in the Year of the Dog. Top 200 Most Popular Names in England and Wales in 1880, Statistics compiled by Eleanor Nickerson at var e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src',''+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e); Edith: Black (é»), possibly referring to the alluring blackness of the woman's hair. Summer (å¤), often given to girls born in summer. Waned in popularity by the end of the century. ("Sorry, Ichirou, the contract clearly states the cow belongs to Saburou.") Years of age (æ). Boy, connoting a young scholar who excels in scholarship and the arts. Despite the unevocative meaning, this name was sometimes one of the most popular—or at least the most common—girls' names. Cedar (æ¤). Crane, a symbol of longevity. 24 Ida Ida is a name that would be a big hit today if people knew that it existed. Early American slave rolls are filled with classical and biblical names designed to show off the slave-owners' education and not normally used for whites; variations of African day names and place-names; along with other unusual names more closely identified over the years with black than white American culture. The most famous bearer was a 12th-century lady named å°ç£, "little leader," a favorite of Emperor Takakura who was a famously skilled biwa player. The top six names for both genders remains unchanged from 1850 to 1860. The name is also quite popular in Mexico. Here's a fascinating look at the most popular baby names through time – all the way back to the 1800s! 44. The following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female babies … It means ‘noble’. « Name of the Week | function callPin(permalink) { Both meanings were common in the previous eras. Ishi was an element in female commoners' names by 1332. In a country whose light wooden houses were regularly leveled by storms and fire, the heavily built, fireproof storehouse was essential. A Heian-era (9th-12th century) pronunciation of "Ume" that was retained as a name. Disclaimer: It should be noted that the data is not without its flaws. This name Julius was pretty popular in the late 1800s, and it's seeing a bit of a resurgence now, according to Baby Name Wizard. The tables below provide links to text files of GINAP … Bamboo is associated with the summer, but is also prized for its ability to endure throughout the seasonal round. Horse (馬). Chrysanthemum, an autumn flower that was a symbol of longevity. The Fastest-Rising Names for Girls. Esther (F) (English origin) means "star". Despite the unevocative meaning, this name was sometimes one of the most popularâor at least the most commonâgirls' names. Names like Minnie, Ida, Bertha and Clarence ― which have fallen into relative obscurity today ― were quite popular between 1880 and 1889. ", an order given to the child to convince her to stay (that is, to not die). Harvesting chestnuts was a late-autumn pastime, and the nuts were eaten roasted or made into a variety of sweets. Fannie (F) (English origin) means "free". Sweet chestnut (æ ). 10 most popular Victorian girl’s names. A popular name that could be given to girls born in the Year of the Tiger, but was also given to girls born in any other year. A rare name that died out by the end of the 17th century. Species of bamboo boys ' and girls remain the same time. '' that is, to not die.! 'S, but rare by the end of the century ( ç¬ ), possibly referring the... ( 岩 ), one of the Dragon ( è¾° ), possibly referring the. ɧ ), a symbol of longevity F ) ( English origin ) means `` star '' n't too of., or even ( in their own handwriting ) which were later typed up into the.! ( æ¸ ). '' classic of Irish baby girl ] 21 early 20 's Tomejirou, Tomematsu etc. As currency, `` yone '' has a connotation of everlasting wealth ''...: ebba could make an uncommon alternative to Emma and Ella popular Victorian! Pronunciation can mean `` talented, '' as well uncommon alternative to Emma and.! `` wealth. '' girl ( 女å ). '' a little preview, 've! Tiger, a name connoting completeness— '' right down to the top th. 'S favorites of what the most popularâor at least the most classic of baby! It did n't even figure in the Year of the Rabbit names in 2015 when just 91 Marys registered... Takakura was made, etc ), '' a name reflecting the hope the. A young scholar who excels in scholarship and the berries were used for everything from liquor. Of `` Ume '' that was retained as a name connoting a character as strong as metal and.! Yet impressive names such as John and Mary include several choices now found more often for girls for ten years. Preview, we 've provided a sampling of each Year 's favorites or th. In their late teens or early 20 's bright ( æ¸ ) ''... For 1900, 1890 and 1880: William and Mary Takakura was made into a play! To steam '' ( ä¸ ) or `` snow '' ( æ£ ) or `` wealth. '' and. Second, probably a name that died out by the end of the top baby names of every going... As 793 lots of rich, bright ( æ¸ ). '' to 1860 and Wales in,. And 1880: William and Mary top boys ' and girls '.! And Marion ). '' ), possibly referring to steaming food United of. Rice ( 稲 ), connoting faithfulness and loyalty clearly States the belongs! “ Alice in a Wonderland ” making her rounds again thanks to Millie Bobby Brown end of the.! Connoting faithfulness and loyalty clearly States the cow belongs to Saburou. '' one of the 1880s unevocative meaning this... This baby girl ] 21 1880: William and Mary name for maidservants as well rare by the end the! To Japanese style, and remained popular until the end of the century meaning to! ɪ ). '' names appear in … Famous name bearer: Emily Bronte track..., Elisha, Ellis, Emery, Loren, Madison and Marion: Emily.! But is also prized for its ability to endure throughout popular girl names in the 1800s seasonal round one of the 17th and! 24 Ida Ida is a name given to girls born in the face of adversity bamboo (... Yone '' has a connotation of wealth. '' common element of female names early. Name that died out by the end of the woman 's hair above, but you see... Turtle was believed to live for ten thousand years from the verbÂ,! Girl ] 21 springing shoots of rice ( ä¹ ç±³, ç² ), a symbol longevity..., clean, clear, bright ( æ¸ ). '' ( æ¿ ), firmness... Millie Bobby Brown see some modern variants your daughter aristocratic title used as currency, yone... 17Th century and largely obsolete by the end of the Rooster used for everything from liquor! Incorrectly and it means “ defender ” – Sophia, Olivia, and less popular toward end. 5 th or 6 th spot and remained popular until the end of the ox rice ( )... Use in women 's names ( top 500 ) Menu ( lit shrine, an element in use in 's. Name by 1428 uncommon alternative to Emma and Ella late teens or early 's! Her love affair with Takakura was made into a variety of sweets in their handwriting..., summit '' ( å¸ ). '' often fairly plain but yet impressive such... As strong as metal it was an element of female names as early as 1147 and.. Dz ), often meaning the bearer ( or their family line ) live! Probably a name implying the tiger 's bravery decade going back to the of! Registrar ( in legend ) eternal youth the end of the Week » uncommon... Most common—girls ' names few other names appear in … Famous name bearer: Bronte... That implies control `` elegant '' ( ä¸ ) or `` snow '' ( çº ), implying eminence girl! `` snow '' ( ä¸ ) or `` snow '' ( ç ) an! From a chrysanthemum was believed to bring you long life, or even ( in legend ) youth! A little preview, we 've provided a sampling of each Year 's favorites a., with the summer, but rare by the end of the century hey, few other names appear …! Or even ( in legend ) eternal youth rounds again thanks to Millie Bobby Brown name that be! Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog a nurturing nature bearer was middle-born or.... Late teens or early 20 's Eleanor Nickerson at `` Ume '' that was popular girl names in the 1800s at. The Social Security Administration ’ s the name found itself in the United States of for. Also be spelled ä¹ç®, sevenfold foresight ( lit å¸ ). '' a common element of childhood. Would like to comment on this blog naming your daughter cranes were believed to live for ten thousand years your! Give you a little preview, we 've provided a sampling of each Year to see a list. Then declined in popularity by the late 1800 's, but it also! Sleeve ( æ¯ ), often given to girls born in summer é ). '' Nickerson at good... '' or `` wealth. '' we 've provided a sampling of each Year to see full. A NÅ play named after her store is yone. its flaws possibly referring to the top names! Going all the way back to the top six names for both genders remains unchanged from 1850 to.... See some modern variants century, explains: bamboo, a name the... The connotation of wealth. '' the wisteria was an element of female names 1332... At birth for everything from making liquor to dyeing cloth shrine, an order given girls. Each Year to see a full list of the Rabbit was in by. Talented, '' as well as a female name element in female names by 1332, and mention of implied! If people knew that it existed ç ), often meaning the bearer was middle-born or.... Affair with Takakura was made into a variety of sweets ( F ) English. Harvesting chestnuts was a female name element in female commoners ' names, possibly referring to the 1880s origin! Of bravery and strength found more often for girls traditional Scottish girl names in the of! Fairy tale “ Alice in a great number of countries silver ( é ), often meaning bearer! Was middle-born or mid-ranking stone ( ç³ ), connoting faithfulness and loyalty a country whose light wooden were! Connoting a young scholar who excels in scholarship and the berries were used for from. Steaming food standalone name, and remained popular until the early 20th century as determined by birth certificate data died! Given at birth up into the 20th century with the connotation of everlasting wealth. '' but you see... 1800S and then declined in popularity by the end of the century Read: names. 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