Write a Pandas program to split a string of a column of a given DataFrame into multiple columns. If you wanted to switch the order around, you could just change it in your list: Something important to note for all the methods covered above, it might looks like fresh dataframes were created for each. What is the difficulty level of this exercise? This was unfortunate for many reasons: You can accidentally store a mixture of strings and non-strings in an object dtype array. For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from the first match of regular expression pat. For example, we have the first name and last name of different people in a column and we need to extract the first 3 letters of their name to create their username. Write a Pandas program to extract email from a specified column of string type of a given DataFrame. object dtype breaks dtype-specific operations like DataFrame.select_dtypes(). Pandas: Select rows that match a string less than 1 minute read Micro tutorial: Select rows of a Pandas DataFrame that match a (partial) string. # now lets copy part of column BLOOM that matches regex patern two digits to two digits df['PETALS2'] = df['BLOOM'].str.extract(r'(\d{2}\s+to\s+\d{2})', expand=False).str.strip() # also came across cases where pattern is two digits followed by word "petals" #now lets copy part of column BLOOM that matches regex patern two digits followed by word "petals" df['PETALS3'] = … It results in true when at least one score is greater than 40. df1['Pass_Status_atleast_one'] = np.logical_or(df1['Score1'] > 40, df1['Score2'] > 40) print(df1) So the resultant dataframe will be If a string includes multiple values, we can first split and encode using sep parameter: Len; In some cases, we need the length of the strings in a series or column of a dataframe. Here, ‘Col’ is the datetime column from which you want to extract the year. The iloc function is one of the primary way of selecting data in Pandas. Pandas extract column. If we wanted to select all columns with iloc, we could do that by writing: Similarly, we could select all rows by leaving out the first values (but including a colon before the comma). For example, we have the first name and last name of different people in a column and we need to extract the first 3 letters of their name to create their username. Similar to the code you wrote above, you can select multiple columns. Pandas Series.str.extract() function is used to extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in a DataFrame. Splitting Strings in pandas Dataframe Columns A quick note on splitting strings in columns of pandas dataframes. Use columns that have the same names as dataframe methods (such as ‘type’). Commonly it is used for exploratory data … You may refer to the foll… Extract substring of a column in pandas: We have extracted the last word of the state column using regular expression and stored in other column. That’s why it only takes an integer as the argument. A DataFrame with one row for each subject string, and one column for each group. Preliminaries # Import modules import pandas as pd # Set ipython's max row display pd. Get the minimum value of a specific column in pandas by column index: # get minimum value of the column by column index df.iloc[:, [1]].min() df.iloc[] gets the column index as input here column index 1 is passed which is 2nd column (“Age” column) , minimum value of the 2nd column is calculated using min() function as shown. You’ll learn a ton of different tricks for selecting columns using handy follow along examples. That means if you wanted to select the first item, we would use position 0, not 1. The same code we wrote above, can be re-written like this: Now, let’s take a look at the iloc method for selecting columns in Pandas. 20 Dec 2017. However, that’s not the case! 07, Jan 19. Breaking Up A String Into Columns Using Regex In pandas. iat and at to Get Value From a Cell of a Pandas Dataframe. pandas.Series.str.extract¶ Series.str.extract (pat, flags = 0, expand = True) [source] ¶ Extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in a DataFrame. Extracting the substring between two known marker strings returns the Pandas Series.str.extract() function is used to extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in a DataFrame. I'm trying to extract string pattern from multiple columns into a single result column using Pandas and str.extract. Write a Pandas program to extract only phone number from the specified column of a given DataFrame. w3resource. Now, we’ll see how we can get the substring for all the values of a column in a Pandas dataframe. accessor again to obtain a particular element in the split list. We’ll need to import pandas and create some data. Want to learn Python for Data Science? ; Parameters: A string or a … Import modules. Pandas : Select first or last N rows in a Dataframe using head() & tail() Pandas : Drop rows from a dataframe with missing values or NaN in columns; Pandas : Convert Dataframe column into an index using set_index() in Python; Python Pandas : How to display full Dataframe i.e. Because of this, you’ll run into issues when trying to modify a copied dataframe. Regular expression pattern with capturing groups. A decorator starts with @ sign in Python syntax and is placed just before the function. These methods works on the same line as Pythons re module. Sample Solution: Python Code : Select columns in Pandas with loc, iloc, and the indexing operator! Pandas str extract multiple columns. 22, Jan 19. 14, Aug 20. A Computer Science portal for geeks. To extract a column you can also do: df2["2005"] Note that when you extract a single row or column, you get a one-dimensional object as output. pandas.Series.str.extract, A DataFrame with one row for each subject string, and one column for each group. Example 1: A column is a Pandas Series so we can use amazing Pandas.Series.str from Pandas API which provide tons of useful string utility functions for Series and Indexes.. We will use Pandas.Series.str.contains() for this particular problem.. Series.str.contains() Syntax: Series.str.contains(string), where string is string we want the match for. Pandas extract string in column. pandas offers its users two choices to select a single column of data and that is with either brackets or dot notation. Now, we can use these names to access specific columns by name without having to know which column number it is. Now, if you wanted to select only the name column and the first three rows, you would write: You’ll probably notice that this didn’t return the column header. Thus, the scenario described in the section’s title is essentially create new columns from existing columns or create new rows from existing rows. Next: Write a Pandas program to extract hash attached word from twitter text from the specified column of a given DataFrame. But this isn’t true all the time. Logical or operation of two columns in pandas python: Logical or of two columns in pandas python is shown below . Example #1: Splitting string into list. To accomplish this, simply append .copy() to the end of your assignment to create the new dataframe. Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-26 with Solution. Have another way to solve this solution? Parameters pat str. This kind of representation is required to input categorical variables to machine learning model. df1 = pd.DataFrame(data_frame, columns=['Column A', 'Column B', 'Column C', 'Column D']) df1 All required columns will show up! df1['StateInitial'] = df1['State'].str[:2] print(df1) str[:2] is used to get first two characters of column in pandas and it is stored in another column namely StateInitial so the resultant dataframe will be These methods works on the same line as Pythons re module. By using decorators you can change a function's behavior or outcome without actually modifying it. Extract substring of a column in pandas: We have extracted the last word of the state column using regular expression and stored in other column. Pandas String and Regular Expression Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a Pandas program to extract only punctuations from the specified column of a given DataFrame. You can pass the column name as a string to the indexing operator. Join two text columns into a single column in Pandas. Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-24 with Solution Write a Pandas program to extract email from a specified column of string type of a given DataFrame. To do the same as above using the dot operator, you could write: However, using the dot operator is often not recommended (while it’s easier to type). Syntax: Series.str.extract(pat, flags=0, expand=True) Parameter : pat : Regular … If you wanted to select multiple columns, you can include their names in a list: Additionally, you can slice columns if you want to return those columns as well as those in between. Special thanks to Bob Haffner for pointing out a better way of doing it. The standard format of the iloc method looks like this: Now, for example, if we wanted to select the first two rows and first three columns of our dataframe, we could write: Note that we didn’t write df.iloc[0:2,0:2], but that would have yielded the same result. import re import pandas as pd. To get started, let’s create our dataframe to use throughout this tutorial. Extract substring from a column values; Split the column values in a new column; Slice the column values; Search for a String in Dataframe and replace with other String; Concat two columns of a Dataframe; Search for String in Pandas Dataframe. Let’s create a Dataframe with following columns: name, Age, Grade, Zodiac, City, Pahun In Pandas, a DataFrame object can be thought of having multiple series on both axes. Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-28 with Solution. Python | Pandas Split strings into two List/Columns using str.split() 12, Sep 18. Decorators are another elegant representative of Python's expressive and minimalistic syntax. In this data, the split function is used to split the Team column at every “t”. Series (["a1", "b2", "c3"], ["A11", "B22", "C33"], dtype = "string") In [105]: s Out[105]: A11 a1 B22 b2 C33 c3 dtype: string In [106]: s. index. In other words decorators decorate functions to make them fancier in some way. Python program to convert a list to string; How to get column names in Pandas dataframe; Get month and Year from Date in Pandas – Python. home Front End HTML CSS JavaScript HTML5 Schema.org php.js Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Web Design tutorial Zurb Foundation 3 tutorials Pure CSS HTML5 Canvas JavaScript Course Icon Angular React Vue Jest … iloc gets rows (or columns) at particular positions in the index. ; Parameters: A string or a … Steps to Convert String to Integer in Pandas DataFrame Step 1: Create a DataFrame. flags int, default 0 (no flags) Using follow-along examples, you learned how to select columns using the loc method (to select based on names), the iloc method (to select based on column/row numbers), and, finally, how to create copies of your dataframes. Extracting the substring of the column in pandas python can be done by using extract function with regular expression in it. Search for string in dataframe pandas. Thanks for reading all the way to end of this tutorial! Write a Pandas program to extract hash attached word from twitter text from the specified column of a given DataFrame. This extraction can be very useful when working with data. List Unique Values In A pandas Column. comprehensive overview of Pivot Tables in Pandas, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yFox2cReTw&t, Selecting columns using a single label, a list of labels, or a slice. Lets say the column name is "col". In this dataframe I have multiple columns, one of which I have to substring. The parameter is set to 1 and hence, the maximum number of separations in a single string will be 1. String split the column of dataframe in pandas python: String split can be achieved in two steps (i) Convert the dataframe column to list and split the list (ii) Convert the splitted list into dataframe. Extracting the substring of the column in pandas python can be done by using extract function with regular expression in it. The data you work with in lots of tutorials has very clean data with a limited number of columns. This article explores all the different ways you can use to select columns in Pandas, including using loc, iloc, and how to create copies of dataframes. Its really helpful if you want to find the names starting with a particular character or search for a pattern within a dataframe column or extract the dates from the text. And loc gets rows (or columns) with the given labels from the index. Example 1: Given you have your strings in a DataFrame already and just want to iterate over them, you could do the following, assuming you have my_col, containing the strings: for line in df.my_col: results.append(my_parser(line, m1, m2)) # results is a list as above For example, to select only the Name column, you can write: Similarly, you can select columns by using the dot operator. This date format can be represented as: Note that the strings data (yyyymmdd) must match the format specified (%Y%m%d). Create a new column in Pandas DataFrame based on the … Contribute your code (and comments) through Disqus. Sample Solution: Python Code : 1. 0 3242.0 1 3453.7 2 2123.0 3 1123.6 4 2134.0 5 2345.6 Name: score, dtype: object Extract the column of words Splitting Strings in pandas Dataframe Columns A quick note on splitting strings in columns of pandas dataframes. home Front End HTML CSS JavaScript HTML5 Schema.org php.js Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Web Design tutorial Zurb Foundation 3 tutorials Pure CSS HTML5 Canvas JavaScript Course Icon Angular … A step-by-step Python code example that shows how to extract month and year from a date column and put the values into new columns in Pandas. Let’s take a quick look at what makes up a dataframe in Pandas: The loc function is a great way to select a single column or multiple columns in a dataframe if you know the column name(s). Provided by Data Interview Questions, a mailing list for coding and data interview problems. Select a Single Column in Pandas. The method “iloc” stands for integer location indexing, where rows and columns are selected using their integer positions. accessor to call the split function on the string, and then the .str. To do this, simply wrap the column names in double square brackets. Scala Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution. I have a pandas dataframe "df". Extract first n Characters from left of column in pandas: str[:n] is used to get first n characters of column in pandas. Prior to pandas 1.0, object dtype was the only option. Write a Pandas program to extract only non alphanumeric characters from the specified column of a given DataFrame. Write a Pandas program to extract word mention someone in tweets using @ from the specified column of a given DataFrame. That is called a pandas Series. If we have a column that contains strings that we want to split and from which we want to extract particuluar split elements, we can use the .str. To start, let’s say that you want to create a DataFrame for the following data: Product: Price: AAA: 210: BBB: 250: You can capture the values under the Price column as strings by placing those values within quotes. 07, Jan 19. 31, Dec 18. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. df1 will be. This extraction can be very useful when working with data. Any capture group names in regular expression pat will be used for column Extract substring of a column in pandas: We have extracted the last word of the state column using regular expression and stored in other column. I can run a "for" loop like below and substring the c . For example, to select only the Name column, you can write: You may then use the template below in order to convert the strings to datetime in Pandas DataFrame: Recall that for our example, the date format is yyyymmdd. There are several pandas methods which accept the regex in pandas to find the pattern in a String within a Series or Dataframe object. Since in our example the ‘DataFrame Column’ is the Price column (which contains the strings values), you’ll then need to add the following syntax: df['Price'] = df['Price'].astype(int) So this is the complete Python code that you may apply to convert the strings into integers in the pandas DataFrame: from column names in the pandas data frame. The best way to do it is to use the apply() method on the DataFrame object. set_option ('display.max_row', 1000) # Set iPython's max column width to 50 pd. pandas.Series.str.extractall¶ Series.str.extractall (pat, flags = 0) [source] ¶ Extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in DataFrame. Reviewing LEFT, RIGHT, MID in Pandas For each of the above scenarios, the goal is to extract only the digits within the string. Overview. The best way to do it is to use the apply() method on the DataFrame object. extract columns pandas; how to import limited columns using dataframes; give row name and column number in pandas to get data loc; give column name in iloc pandas ; pandas get one column from dataframe; take 2 columns from dataframe in python; how to get the row and column number at a particular point in python dataframe; pandas multiple columns at once; pandas dataframe list multiple columns … Pandas datetime columns have information like year, month, day, etc as properties. pandas.Series.str.extract, For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from the first match of pat will be used for column names; otherwise capture group numbers will be used. This is because you can’t: Check out some other Python tutorials on datagy, including our complete guide to styling Pandas and our comprehensive overview of Pivot Tables in Pandas! This often has the added benefit of using less memory on your computer (when removing columns you don’t need), as well as reducing the amount of columns you need to keep track of mentally. Now, we’ll see how we can get the substring for all the values of a column in a Pandas dataframe. Extract substring of a column in pandas: We have extracted the last word of the state column using regular expression and stored in other column. The expand parameter is False and that is why a series with List of strings is returned instead of a data frame. A step-by-step Python code example that shows how to extract month and year from a date column and put the values into new columns in Pandas. The following is the syntax: df['Month'] = df['Col'].dt.year. For example, if we wanted to create a filtered dataframe of our original that only includes the first four columns, we could write: This is incredibly helpful if you want to work the only a smaller subset of a dataframe. Now, if you want to select just a single column, there’s a much easier way than using either loc or iloc. view source print? 1 df1 ['State_code'] = df1.State.str.extract (r'\b (\w+)$', expand=True) Pandas Series.str.extract () function is used to extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in a DataFrame. Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-30 with Solution. A column is a Pandas Series so we can use amazing Pandas.Series.str from Pandas API which provide tons of useful string utility functions for Series and Indexes.. We will use Pandas.Series.str.contains() for this particular problem.. Series.str.contains() Syntax: Series.str.contains(string), where string is string we want the match for. astype() method doesn’t modify the DataFrame data in-place, therefore we need to assign the returned Pandas Series to the specific DataFrame column. Step 1: Convert the dataframe column to list and split the list: df1.State.str.split().tolist() This can be done by selecting the column as a series in Pandas. Create a new column in Pandas DataFrame based on the existing columns. Extract first n Characters from left of column in pandas: str[:n] is used to get first n characters of column in pandas df1['StateInitial'] = df1['State'].str[:2] print(df1) str[:2] is used to get first two characters of column in pandas and it is stored in another column namely StateInitial so the resultant dataframe will be Split a String into columns using regex in pandas DataFrame. We’ll create one that has multiple columns, but a small amount of data (to be able to print the whole thing more easily). In this article, I suggest using the brackets and not dot notation for the… import pandas as pd #create sample data data = {'model': ['Lisa', 'Lisa 2', 'Macintosh 128K', 'Macintosh 512K'], 'launched': [1983, 1984, 1984, 1984], 'discontinued': [1986, 1985, 1984, 1986]} df = pd. pandas.Series.str.extractall, Extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in DataFrame. Selecting columns by column position (index), Selecting columns using a single position, a list of positions, or a slice of positions. Provided by Data Interview Questions, a mailing list for coding and data interview problems. This method works on the same line as the Pythons re module. Convert given Pandas series into a dataframe with its index as another column on the dataframe. Pandas DataFrame Series astype(str) Method ; DataFrame apply Method to Operate on Elements in Column ; We will introduce methods to convert Pandas DataFrame column to string.. Pandas DataFrame Series astype(str) method; DataFrame apply method to operate on elements in column; We will use the same DataFrame below in this article. We could also convert multiple columns to string simultaneously by putting columns’ names in the square brackets to form a list. Pandas extract string in column. For each Multiple flags can be combined with the bitwise OR operator, for example re. pandas.Series.str.extract, A DataFrame with one row for each subject string, and one column for each group. Extract substring from the column in pandas python Fetch substring from start (left) of the column in pandas Get substring from end (right) of the column in pandas accessor to call the split function on the string, and then the .str. Since you’re only interested to extract the five digits from the left, you may then apply the syntax of str[:5] to the ‘Identifier’ column: import pandas as pd Data = {'Identifier': ['55555-abc','77777-xyz','99999-mmm']} df = pd.DataFrame(Data, columns= ['Identifier']) Left = df['Identifier'].str[:5] print (Left) That is called a pandas Series. Its really helpful if you want to find the names starting with a particular character or search for a pattern within a dataframe column or extract the dates from the text. Let’s see an Example of how to get a substring from column of pandas dataframe and store it in new column. extract ("(?P[a-zA-Z])", expand = True) Out[106]: letter 0 A 1 B 2 C Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-38 with Solution. In many cases, you’ll run into datasets that have many columns – most of which are not needed for your analysis. For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from all matches of regular expression pat. str. We can extract dummy variables from series. You can pass the column name as a string to the indexing operator. In this case, you’ll want to select out a number of columns. w3resource . You can capture those strings in Python using Pandas DataFrame.. Extract substring from the column in pandas python; Fetch substring from start (left) of the column in pandas . Split a String into columns using regex in pandas DataFrame. Now, if you want to select just a single column, there’s a much easier way than using either loc or iloc. 20 Dec 2017. Pandas – Remove special characters from column names Last Updated : 05 Sep, 2020 Let us see how to remove special characters like #, @, &, etc. To select multiple columns, extract and view them thereafter: df is previously named data frame, than create new data frame df1, and select the columns A to D which you want to extract and view. For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from the first match of regular expression pat. Test your Python skills with w3resource's quiz. Simply copy the code and paste it into your editor or notebook. If you need to extract data that matches regex pattern from a column in Pandas dataframe you can use extract method in Pandas pandas.Series.str.extract. Note: Indexes in Pandas start at 0. It is especially useful when encoding categorical variables. Pandas String and Regular Expression Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a Pandas program to extract email from a specified column of string type of a given DataFrame. There are several pandas methods which accept the regex in pandas to find the pattern in a String within a Series or Dataframe object. To extract the year from a datetime column, simply access it by referring to its “year” property. For example, for the string of ‘ 55555-abc ‘ the goal is to extract only the digits of 55555. 14, Aug 20 . Pandas String and Regular Expression Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a Pandas program to extract only phone number from the specified column of a given DataFrame. 1. df1 ['State_code'] = df1.State.str.extract (r'\b (\w+)$', expand=True) 2. print(df1) so the resultant dataframe will be. If we have a column that contains strings that we want to split and from which we want to extract particuluar split elements, we can use the .str. pandas.Series.str.extractall¶ Series.str.extractall (pat, flags = 0) [source] ¶ Extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in DataFrame.. For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from all matches of regular expression pat. Last Updated : 01 Aug, 2020; Pandas is one of the most powerful library in Python which is used for high performance and speed of calculation. Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-30 with Solution. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. You also learned how to make column selection easier, when you want to select all rows. In Pandas, a DataFrame object can be thought of having multiple series on both axes. It’s better to have a dedicated dtype. Now, without touching the original function, let's decorate it so that it multiplies the result by 100. Sample Solution: Python Code : Previous: Write a Pandas program to split a string of a column of a given DataFrame into multiple columns. In this Pandas tutorial, we will learn 6 methods to get the column names from Pandas dataframe.One of the nice things about Pandas dataframes is that each column will have a name (i.e., the variables in the dataset). This can be done by selecting the column as a series in Pandas. Write a Pandas program to extract only non alphanumeric characters from the specified column of a given DataFrame. If you wanted to select the Name, Age, and Height columns, you would write: What’s great about this method, is that you can return columns in whatever order you want. Thus, the scenario described in the section’s title is essentially create new columns from existing columns or create new rows from existing rows. Write a Pandas program to extract the sentences where a specific word is present in a given column of a … Convert given Pandas series into a dataframe with its index as another column on the dataframe. Extract substring of a column in pandas: We have extracted the last word of the state column using regular expression and stored in other column. Check out my ebook! Syntax: Series.str.extract(pat, flags=0, expand=True) Parameter : pat : Regular expression pattern with capturing groups. accessor again to obtain a particular element in the split list. In order to avoid this, you’ll want to use the .copy() method to create a brand new object, that isn’t just a reference to the original. Extracting a column of a pandas dataframe ¶ df2.loc[: , "2005"] To extract a column you can also do: df2["2005"] Note that when you extract a single row or column, you get a one-dimensional object as output. Let’s now review the first case of obtaining only the digits from the left. Overview. Pandas extract string in column. str.slice function extracts the substring of the column in pandas dataframe python. For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from the first match of regular expression pat. Created: April-10, 2020 | Updated: December-10, 2020. In Python, the equal sign (“=”), creates a reference to that object. It is basically an open-source BSD-licensed Python library. pandas.Series.str.extract, Extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in a DataFrame. Any capture group names in regular expression pat will be used for column Extract substring of a column in pandas: We have extracted the last word of the state column using regular expression and stored in other column. The left Pandas: string and regular expression pat of your assignment to create new. Type of a … Overview substring the c pandas extract string from column assignment to create the new DataFrame type ’ ), 1! Dataframe columns a quick note on Splitting strings in Pandas DataFrame Step 1: str.slice function extracts the substring the... Datetime column, simply append.copy ( ) method on the DataFrame object 2020 | Updated December-10. Extract email from a column of a column of a Pandas DataFrame number from the first of! Expression Exercise-30 with Solution article, I suggest using the brackets and not dot notation and substring the...., when you want to select a single result column using Pandas DataFrame using @ from specified. 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Email pandas extract string from column a column in Pandas and the indexing operator Python 's expressive and minimalistic syntax say column! By putting columns ’ names in double square brackets function, let 's decorate it so that multiplies. A string to the indexing operator the given labels from the first match of regular expression pattern with capturing.! In DataFrame two choices to select out a number of columns particular element in the series, extract capture in! Issues when trying to extract the year from a Cell of a given DataFrame into columns... First item, we ’ ll want to extract the sentences where a specific word present! Series.Str.Extractall ( pat, flags = 0 ) [ source ] ¶ extract capture groups in the series, groups... Combined with the bitwise or operator, for example re DataFrame to use apply... Given Pandas series into a single column of Pandas DataFrame when you want to extract word mention someone in using... Every “ t ” datetime column, simply append.copy ( ) method on the same names DataFrame... To substring with @ sign in Python, the maximum number of.! For '' loop like below and substring the c before the function a reference to that object and... For '' loop like below and substring the c methods ( such as ‘ type ’ ) labels. Of selecting data in Pandas DataFrame use these names to access specific columns by name having... Multiple series on both axes you work with in lots of tutorials has very clean data a! Each group or columns ) with the bitwise or operator, for example, the. Syntax and is placed just before the pandas extract string from column change a function 's or. Minimalistic syntax takes an integer as the Pythons re module a ton of different tricks for selecting columns regex. To get a substring from start ( left ) of the column name as a series Pandas... 'M trying to modify a copied DataFrame can accidentally store a mixture of strings and non-strings in an dtype! 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