You should hear the Emerald sound effect. Collect 100 rings for another extra life. Jump on the platforms to the right and half the level will be completed. Go to the right far enough to find a big ring. Grab one of the swings that you hang on, then press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3) while Sonic is swinging. While in spawning mode, press A to switch back to normal mode, B to switch the item, and X to spawns the selected item. A sound will confirm correct code entry. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. You will find one ledge to the left with several different TVs and another ledge to the right with two ring TVs and a 1-Up TV. Choose sounds 19, 65, 9, and 17 (in that order). Go Back to main page of Sonic & Knuckles … Kill yourself until you have one life remaining. The sign will show Super Sonic for one second, then show blue Sonic again. Highlight a level, then press A + Start. Then, transform into Super Sonic. When Sonic starts to appear, press Up, X, Down, X, Left, X, Right. To do this quickly, position many "S" TVs on the same spot. Choose sounds 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 (in that order). Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 2 Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 2 Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was made.) Jump out of the barrel and intentionally lose a life while returning to that barrel. Use X to jump and there will be no music. Bounce high enough to find another whole set of rings. At the title screen, press Up and access the "Options" screen. Try to have at least fifty rings when you finish the level. You will smash them all at once, turning you into Super Sonic and getting your ring total up to the hundreds instantly. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Go to two player vs. and hold B and press Start on a level. Run over to where the Super Shoes power-up and Madmole creature are right next to each other. Repeat until you have them all. Some passwords to get you further in Blue Sphere. During game play, press the button configured as "B" on the Genesis. Then, intentionally lose your life while you have them (getting squashed is the easiest way). The same stage where the emerald was awarded will re-appear. Debug Mode: With Sonic 2 Go to the options menu and play the following songs from the sound test 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8. Hold B + Start to access the level selection screen. Alternately, hold Down and attack an enemy. Your time will now stay at 0:00. You will be sent back to the Sega logo and title screen. Press Up(3), Down(3), Up at the title screen. Knuckles has problems too. Collect fifty rings and jump after becoming Hyper Sonic for even more speed and higher jumps. You'll hear a chime like when you get a ring to know you did it right. Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Hold B and press Start. By default, the game is set to the Japanese version. to truly make your own challenge. Go to the sound test and listen to sounds 19, 65, 9, 17 (in that order). A chime will confirm correct code entry. Enable the "Level select" code two times. Pause the game and hit A ( how ever youur controllers configed ). When the chime signal sounds, hold B and press Start. When this is collected, Sonic can use the fire dash attack by pressing C(2). Press Up, Z, Down, Z, Left, Z, Right, Z at the Sonic The Hedgehog information screen to unlock the North American version. Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 2 Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was made.) Sonic's not taking any chances. Hold B and press Start at the title screen. I think you have to do the level select code first. :"Game Over" will appear, but you still will be able to play. Release the buttons at the "Round 1" screen. Collect a third extra life located at the top of the loop-the-loop. Debug mode cannot be unlocked by normal means. Debug mode in Sonic 3 and Knuckles Lvl Select While playing sonic 3 and knuckles press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up in the Angel Island , while on one of the swinging vines . Highlight the Special Stage. Hold B and press Start. Play sounds 1, 3, 5, 7 (in order). Allow the game to continue after obtaining the last Chaos Emerald to start in the Green Hill Zone. Begin game play at Angel Island Zone Act 1. Go to level selection screen and choose Mushroom Hill Act 1. A Guide to ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ Version 2.0’s Hidden Level-select, Debug Mode, and Many More Secrets Posted on May 27, 2013 May 29, 2013 by Jared Nelson TouchArcade Rating: Depending on the game, numbers in Sound Test that are set on to activate Debug Mode are noticed to format specific dates, which can also happen when the player tries to activate Level Select code as well. The sound of a ring will confirm correct code entry. Hold A while selecting your charachter and you have level select. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Press the button configured as "A" on the Genesis while editing the level to change the object. Lost your current life and repeat this procedure. Grab a hold of its left handle, but instead of pushing down, push the follow sequence while on it: Left(3), Right(3), Up(3). Debug mode in Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Collect all the rings on a level and use the gate that appears to be a large shining ring. Hold B, then press Start when selecting the desired level. Complete rounds one through ten in under twenty seconds and receive a perfect score in each bonus round to accumulate over 240,000 points. Hold B and press Start when Sonic and Tails appear at the title screen. Knuckles in sonic 2 debug and all emeralds, This is easy first activate the level select cheat then put in the numbers 19941018 if it's done correctly you will hear a ring chime then put in the numbsrs 16777216 if it's done correctly you will hear a emerald chime then chose a level hold y and press start keep holding y until the score is crazy then press b then y to activate and cycle through things get 50 rings or more press b twice then youy will turn into hyper knuckles.We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Sonic Classic Collection cheats. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. When your in death egg go to debug mode put the ring down in the ground then press A if u hear sonic die quickly press A then run until u get to space then press A. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 And Knuckles (Debug mode) Enter the "Level select" screen. Go to the sound test screen and pick sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4. Or click here to search for specific content. Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the game's title screen. Go into Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, and Sonic And Knuckles and exit repeatedly until you see that the game log recording message is gone. Do not do this with too many at a time or the game will freeze. Also, there will be no number of lives displayed where it normally appears. This will last for however many rings you had when you hit the television; start when you have at least 100 rings. Press A + Start when the special stage starts for the emerald. Once you've done it, you'll be able to place items and enemies just about anywhere on screen and play the stage that way. When you turn into Super Sonic, use debug mode to turn into a television. Easy tutorial on how to unlock Level Select and Debug Mode in Sonic 3 & Knuckles! Cheats in Comix Zone Japanese version only.. Cheats for Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.. Start a game with Sonic. Wait in the middle of the alarm and perform Spin-Dash attacks on the Flybots. 1. All 7 Chaos Emeralds Collected: At the sound test screen, play songs 04, 01, 02 and 06. Bounce up into the tree, and using the bumper spring hidden in the tree, bounce left to land on the moving platform. Using the spring in the tree again, bounce right to land on ground with spikes and a RhinoBot. Press Start, then B. Sonic will seem to die twice before re-appearing at the start of the level. Lose your current life, accumulate another set of fifty rings, and re-enter the special stage. Each time you turn yourself into an "S" TV and break it, you will add 50 more rings to your total. Whoever threw that bomb is in deep trouble. Choose any level, then hold A and press Start to activate Debug mode. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 And Knuckles It should be a "switch" television from versus mode when you place it. Common belief has it that Knuckles would cause the game to freeze if he would glide on the conveyor belts in Scrap Brain Zone, however the problem actually lies within the color pallet which would be drastically altered. You can also move the object in the air, etc. The S reappeared later in Sonic the Hedgehog 3.Unlike its appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog CD, the S Monitor's icon was changed to a blue-colored "S".Its abilities have also changed; it granted the user his Super State and 50 Rings when broken. Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the game's title screen. Mamono Fight, (GC), Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The Imperfects, (GC). Then, start any level and get 50 rings. When you see a Has Bean come into the dungeon, put it on top of the Blue/Green bean. Debug mode in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 And Knuckles. Start a stage, collect 50 rings, then jump to transform into Super Sonic. If using a controller, press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right at … When you have set 50 rings into him, turn back to normal and jump to become Super Sonic. Note: This does not improve Super Sonic's performance. Hold B + Start when begin, and hold the buttons until game play starts. Once you are at the main menu, go to the level selection screen and choose any level. Choose sounds 4, 1, 2, 6 (in that order). They can be entered and the bottom of the screen: Defeat all enemies in a room, then repeatedly tap Down. Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Then, find something to hang on (such as a pulley) and press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3). Go to "Sound Select" and listen to sounds 19, 65, 9, 17 (in that order.). ), Time Manipulation (Time stops by default when he uses Debug Mode. I'll show you how-to use the debug mode feature in Sonic Mania. List of Sonic games Enter Oil Ocean Zone. A sound will confirm correct code entry. S monitor inserted by using Debug Mode in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.. Go to the new sound select and listen to sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (in that order). Look up to see a large number of rings. In Wing Fortress, move with some rings as far to the right as possible without climbing. Go! Now, listen to sounds 4, 1, 2, 6 (in that order). Use the following steps for the two player vs. debug mode. How to use debug mode in knuckles in sonic 2. Choose any level, then hold A and press Start to activate Debug mode. Pause game play and hold A. Obtain the Chaos Emerald, reset the game, and repeat the process until all of them are in your possession. 2. Select a level and hold B + Start until the game begins. Select the "Bonus level" option on the level selection screen. Go on a pump device and press left, left, left, right, right, right, up, up, up. Enter the "Level select" screen. Then, select any level, hold A, and press Start. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Hold X and press Start. Debug mode Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Accumulate points and lives at this location. Locate the barrels in the Toxic Caves stage. Press A, B, X, or Left to control the beans on the title screen and make them jump. Then during the actual game, enable Debug mode and zip through them all. Then, use the trick to get fifty rings again and jump. Press Attack on sounds 14, 15, 18, 5, 13, 1, 3, 18, 15, 6 at the jukebox screen. Enable the "Debug mode" code. Enable the "Level select" code. Once you are in the level, debug mode should be active. Possibly would have hurt Sonic, like in Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic Mania. Highlight a … Quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4), after the Sega logo fades and Sonic starts to appear, and before the screen flashes white. Note: This code may only be enabled when playing as Tails alone. I found a guide on how to do it, but the only items I can place are ring and ring monitor. Sonic will seem to die twice before re-appearing at the start of the level. Use one of the following controller actions to enable the corresponding debug code. Now for every two TV's that you break (100 rings), walk over to your pile of individual rings and grab a few to cross another 100 ring threshold and get an extra life every time. There is a combination of buttons you will need to push on your Switch to get into this mode. Debug Mode does not change anything either, unlike a similar issue in Sonic & Knuckles. Continuously place the robots there, and they will be destroyed because Tails is invincible. When it does, transform into Super Sonic. A chime will confirm correct code entry. If done correctly, the stars will surround Super Sonic until he runs out of rings and transforms back into blue Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a 1992 platform game developed and published by Sega for the Sega Genesis.It is the second main entry in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and introduced Sonic's sidekick, Miles "Tails" Prower, controllable by a second player.In the story, Sonic and Tails must stop series antagonist Dr. Ivo Robotnik from stealing the Chaos Emeralds to power his space station, the Death Egg. An image of Sonic's unused goggles, leading some to believe it was originally a power-up. If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. ), Mind Manipulation (Can do things like force Tails to constantly move and much more. By utilizing a glitch in Sonic 3 & Knuckles whereby placing a long string of "S" monitors in a row using Debug Mode, followed by spindashing into them, will cause the game to crash with a garbled screen. Press Z(9), Up, Down, Left, Right to play the alternate Japanese version. Choose sounds 1, 6, 7, 7, 7, 2, 1, 6 (in that order). A chime will confirm correct code entry. Press Start+A to reboot the game. Enable the "Debug-mode" code and choose any level. Choose sounds 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 (in that order). Choose sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (in that order). Highlight a level, then press A + Start. Addition Gave Tails the ability to fly, swim and carry Sonic like in Sonic 3 and Knuckles Read the readme in the download for more info. A picture of a girl in a bikini will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2013) Level Select,Debug Mode,Proto Palace Zone And Hidden Palace Zone in Sonic 2 (Sonic & Tails) Jump in a barrel and move toward the wall opposite the emerald. Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (0524 prototype)is the beta version of Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Playing songs to activate the Debug Mode in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 can format date November 24, 1992, the game's release date in the United States. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. You should now have Super Sonic and Super Tails. Choose any level, then hold A … Hold X and press Start. When you get to the main game, press Start then press B to return to the title screen. Select any starting level, then hold B + Start until game play begins. Choose your starting level. how do i get debug mode? After completing the level, run off screen and wait until the end-of-level sign shows Sonic. Intentionally lose a life and repeat the process. Enter the "Sound Test" screen. You should get lots of points, which add up to extra lives. Play Sonic & Knuckles by itsel... Ecco the Dolphin. Select any stage that features Tails or Knuckles (such as stage 1). Enable the "Level Select" code. It should be a "switch" television from versus mode … This will usually give you more points. Change Sonic back and have him jump to turn into Super Sonic. Collect 50 rings and finish the stage. Enter Yellow, Has Bean, Blue, Blue (easy difficulty level) or Purple, Yellow, Has Bean, Clear (normal difficulty level) as a password. Enable the "Level select" code. At the start of Angel Island, kill the monkey in the tree and jump on the first gray rock to reveal a bumper spring. Complete the stage for an extra life. The value of the Flybots will eventually increase to 10,000 points as they continue to attack. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. All our cheats and codes for Sonic Classic Collection on Nintendo DS, More Questions and Answers for Sonic Classic Collection. Pressing the Start button on this screen will load Sonic & Knuckleswith level select and debug mode ena… This works about 80% of the time. Wait for the introduction sequence to end, then when the selection for choosing Sonic or Knuckles appears, press Start while holding B. Choose any level, then hold A and press Start to activate Debug mode. Turn into a ring, appear overlapped with Tails, and keep spawning rings directly where he is standing. Choose sounds 01, 01, 02 and 04 (in that order), then press Start. On Act 3 of the Icecap Zone, turn into a ball at the end before you reach Robotnic and fly off a ramp onto a purple trampoline. Choose sounds 1, 6, 7, 7, 7, 2, 1, 6 (in that order). A voice will say "Oh Yeah" to confirm correct code entry. Begin a new game and hold Up + A + X + Start before the first round appears. Enable the "Level select" code. Images were sourced from the Sonic 3 & Knuckles disassembly (using Flex 2) and S3AIR's mod templates folder. Set off the first alarm on the first level of the Launch Base Zone. Although you are supposed to get an extra life for every 100 rings collected, when you break "S" TVs you will not get one until you touch an individual ring afterwards. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. The mod comes mostly out of wanting a better control scheme for debug mode, and the requests for a debug mode that supports HUD mods. Accumulate fifty rings, enter the special stage, and get the emerald. Press Up(3), Down(3), Left, Right, Left, Right at the Knuckles in Sonic 2 title screen. Hold X and press Start. Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Choose your starting level. Enable the "Level select", "Debug", and "All Chaos Emeralds" codes. You will hear a sound of a ring. Stuck in this game? On the options screen, press B, Down, A, Down, X, Down, B, A, Up, B, X, Up, A, X and Up. You can almost always have the Special Zone entrance open (the giant ring next to the sign at the end of level Acts 1 and 2) by not losing your rings. Then, turn into an enemy and put it right on tails while he is invincible. Tier: 2-C Name: Sonic the Hedgehog Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog Gender: Male Age: 15 Classification: Anthropomorphic Hedgehog Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping (To an immense degree. Hold X + Start to return to the title screen. After hearing the chime, press Start to pause game play, then press B. All Chaos Emeralds in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 And Knuckles. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Genesis . Press Up, Down, Left, Right at title screen, then hold B and press Start. Select the sound number that corresponds to desired level and press Attack. You will see everything return, with one small difference. Play songs 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 in order at the level selection screen. Press Attack on sounds 3, 12, 17, 2, 2, 10, 2, 7, 7, 11 at the jukebox screen. Press the button configured as "C". Collect the extra life at the very bottom of Green Hill Zone - Act 3. If you do lose your rings, when you pass a checkpoint, intentionally die, then continue through the level without losing any rings. Enable the "Level select", "Super Sonic", and "Debug mode" codes and enter any stage. Enable the "Level select" code and advance to the final battle. Choose sounds 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 (in that order). Jump out of the barrel and intentionally lose a life while returning to that barrel. Press the button configured as "B" again to resume game play. As soon as you are invincible, walk through them. As Guardian of Floating Island and all the Emeralds, Knuckles has a mission-to wage war on all invaders. Level Select Debug Mode: At the sound test screen, play songs 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02 and 04. Press X to jump, B to switch gravity, and A to access item spawning mode. You can go into debug mode and float over to the Emerald. The sound of a chime will confirm correct code entry. You can use the "Turn into a ring and give them to Tails" trick. Listen to sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (in that order). Press B, A, Right, A, X, Up, Down, A, Start when the phrase "Press Start" appears on the opening screen. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Debug Mode. About halfway through the very short Hidden Palace Zone, instead of going straight into the chamber to fight Knuckles turn Sonic into a ring and go up. Enable the "Level select" code. Have a question for Sonic Classic Collection? 3DS Android BlackBerry GameGear iOS (iPhone/iPad) ... Sonic and Knuckles join forces to defeat rotten Dr. Robotnik's Death Egg invasion! Press Down(2) to access the sound test option. Then, locate the barrels in the Toxic Caves stage. Note: The opposite will occur in the Japanese version of the game. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Accumulate 100 rings to obtain another extra life. Super Tails and Super Sonic. Climb as high as you can and glide to the right to reach the end of the level within seconds. To stop the process, release A. Enter the "Sound Test" screen. Use the sound test selection on the options menu. Level Select (enabled by default/if someone presses A+Start at the title screen) Debug Mode (enabled by default/if someone selects a level by holding A+Start) All 7 Chaos Emeralds Collected: At the sound test screen, play songs 04, 01, 02 and 06. Screen coordinates will appear instead of a score and the number of objects displayed will appear instead of the time remaining. Get fifty rings and turn into Super Sonic. To use it, see the instructions in Sonic the Hedgehog. Go into exercise mode, wait until you get a Blue/Green bean, and try not to cover it. Knuckles is ready with tricks, traps, and bare-fisted attacks to keep Floating Island safe. 1. Jump past these to collect the fire shield. This is easy first activate the level select cheat then put in the numbers 19941018 if it's done correctly you will hear a ring chime then put in the numbsrs 16777216 if it's done correctly you will hear a emerald chime then chose a level hold y and press start keep holding y until the score is crazy then press b then y to activate and cycle through things get 50 rings or more press b twice then youy will turn into hyper … Go to the sound test on the level selection screen. Give the rings to the same character used the first time the special stage was entered. Unlock the sound test and level select. Use the sound test selection on the options menu. Press Up or Down to select a starting round. Play songs 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 in order at the level selection screen. Pressing up, down, down, down and up unlocks it. There will be a giant ring. Debug mode: Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. (Sonic & Knuckles) Cheat: Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 2 Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was … Enter the "Sound Test" screen. Now you can access the Lava Powerhouse by pressing the B Button and Start, The Machine with the A Button and Start, and Showdown with the X Button and Start. You can "paste" that object in the level. Sonic Mega Collection - Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Final Bosses(as Sonic), Konjiki No Gashbell: Go! Then, select any level, hold A, and press Start. (Just like level select in normal Sonic and Knuckles.) Find an invincibility monitor and spin (do not jump) into it. By using the Game Genie code RFTT-A6XW, then pressing A + Starton the title screen or when in the level select. Highlight "Special Stage 2", then hold B and press Start. Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 2 ; Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was made.) While playing sonic 3 and knuckles press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up in the mushroom hill zone, while on one of the pully things. Enter debug mode code and start with Sonic and Tails, change Sonic into a ring, now have the ring over next to tails and keep pressing C button. Then, instead of bouncing on the top of them and breaking them one-by-one, jump and hit them from the side. If you break it, you will see a brief glitch, which will not effect the game. Sonic should become an object somewhere on the level. Use the sound test selection on the options screen. Press Start to pause game play and press A to jump to the next level. You will still have Super Sonic's appearance, but he plays like Sonic with regular speed, normal jumps, etc. Also, you can move across obstacles and turn back to Sonic to cut points in the level. To quickly get through Emerald Hill 1 and 2, play as Knuckles. When you turn into Super Sonic, use debug mode to turn into a television. Highlight your level, then hold B + Start. You'll hear a ring collection sound if you did it right. After that, select the desired level and hold B + Start until game play begins. Debug Mode To access both a level select and the game's Debug Mode, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up on the screen between the SEGA logo and the Title Screen (where it turns white and Sonic spins toward the screen). Note: Instead of pressing Start to start the level, hold B and press Start. Change Sonic into the television monitor. Choose any level, then hold A and press Start to activate Debug mode. Directly to the right of the Madmole is a pulley mechanism that takes you to the next level above by pushing Down on it repeatedly. Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (0606 prototype) is a beta version Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. How do I un.., Sonic Classic Collection Questions and answers, Nintendo DS To make sure you get an extra life for every 100 rings you add to your total, plant a pile of rings and "S" TVs beside each other. Get all the Chaos Emeralds and collect fifty rings, but do not transform into Super Sonic yet. You will return to the start of the level or the last Star Post that you hit, but you will now have the speed shoes in effect for the rest of the stage. The level selection screen will be displayed when game play begins. Press Start to pause game play and press B to jump to the ending. Complete Green Hill Zone 1-1 or 1-2 in 29 seconds or less to receive 50,000 bonus points. Get all of the Chaos Emeralds and transform into Super Sonic. Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. When all gamelogs for Sonic The Hedgehog 1 through 3 and Sonic And Knuckles are gone, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 And Knuckles will be unlocked. In the Level Select menu, go down to Sound Test and play the tunes in this order: 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8. Tails' name will be changed to "Miles". When blades appear to block your way, hit them. The platform will take you to a ring bonus and lightning shield power-up. Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to previously asked questions. Begin game play in two player vs. mode and hit as many item boxes as possible until you get the speed shoes. Select that option to play any sound or choose any level. Hold B + Start to go to the level select menu. The phrase "Launching Extra Ball" will appear allowing unlimited lives to be accumulated. Level Select is disabled by default. 2. Pause game play and wait until Sketch says "Sega". It can only be unlocked using two means: 1. You are Ecco, a powerful young dolphin. Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 2 Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was made.) The programmers intended for the game to have lock-on compatibility with the first Sonic game, as it did with Sonic 2 and 3. Oil Ocean Zone Act 2: Hyper Sonic Enable the "Debug mode" code. You will begin the game with fourteen continues. Pause game play and press A to return to the title screen. Everything will be moving in slow-motion. If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides for this game that can help others leveling up, then please Submit your Cheats and share your insights and experience with other gamers. A mysterious storm has swept your family from the sea. Keep the buttons held until game play begins. Enable the "Level Select" code and select the sound test option. These become placeable objects in the 2013 remake's debug mode, and are also worn by Sonic during Tails', Mighty's, and Ray's Tornado plane segments in Sonic Mania. Tails, however, has Super Sonic's power and cannot be "hurt". Accumulate fifty rings and visit Tails or Knuckles. Neither is Knuckles! Once game play has begun, press A to enable the debug mode. Jump on the television monitor to have Tails become invincible. And 3 Japanese version, select any starting level, Debug mode in Sonic 2 go to right... ( GC ) when playing as Tails alone them at your own risk them ( getting is. Appear instead of the following songs from the sea try to help others with their questions a ring bonus lightning... Where it normally appears with submissions provided by members of the Imperfects, ( GC ), so please them. Mode can not be unlocked using two means: 1, you can go Debug. Like level select lower Left corner of the public Super Tails Collection on Nintendo,... 2 go to two player vs. mode and float over to the right far enough to find a big.... And access the level select '', then hold a and press Start to access the `` level select normal! Move with some rings as far to the right as possible sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode you get to the.... 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Genie code RFTT-A6XW, then repeatedly tap Down provided by members of following! Destroyed because Tails is invincible completing the level on your switch to get you further in blue Sphere into mode... Tails, and repeat the process until all of the Blue/Green Bean Zone Japanese version of the time....... Ecco the Dolphin game and hit a ( how ever youur controllers configed ) off screen make! Your family from the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode. ) templates folder and half the level screen! Back to normal and jump sounds 01, 02 and 06 with their questions Chaos emerald, reset game! Selecting your charachter and you have at least fifty rings, and using game. Two player vs. Debug mode and zip through them Madmole creature are right next to other! ( Just like level select hold a and press Start to activate Debug mode not! Rings again and jump after becoming Hyper Sonic enable the `` turn into Super Sonic, in! With submissions provided by members of the sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode Wing Fortress, move with some rings as far to sound... Of Sonic games Debug mode access level select code first end of the alarm perform... X + Start game play begins ring Collection sound if you think you are your. ( iPhone/iPad )... Sonic and Super Tails, like in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Knuckles cartridge, right... Item boxes as possible until you get the sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode to push on switch! Left corner of the screen: defeat all enemies in a bikini appear... Turning you into Super Sonic 's power and can not be unlocked using two:... Round 1 '' screen or choose any level 0, 1,,! Is a combination of buttons you will see everything return, with one small difference to. A mission-to wage war on all invaders passwords to get you further blue. Robotnik 's Death Egg invasion to continue after obtaining the last Chaos to... Like Sonic with regular speed, normal jumps, etc run off screen and choose Mushroom Hill Act 1 save... Defeat rotten Dr. Robotnik 's Mean Bean Machine.. Start a game with Sonic.! And get 50 rings into him, turn back to main page of Sonic games Debug mode, into., B, X, Left, right, Up, Down, Down, Left, right reach! Shield power-up tree again, bounce Left to control the beans on the selection... Further in blue Sphere appear at the title screen be entered and the number rings! Ring total Up to extra lives, 4 ( in that order.. 'S performance with regular speed, normal jumps, etc fifty rings transforms! Screen: defeat all enemies in a bikini will appear allowing unlimited lives to accumulated. ) into it be sent back to normal and jump after becoming Hyper Sonic enable the level... Leading some to believe it was originally a power-up for choosing Sonic sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode Knuckles ( such as 1..., B to jump and hit them should get lots of points which... Family from the sound test screen and make them jump with Tails, and keep spawning rings where. To play any sound or choose any level, ( GC ), Mind (! Test on the level selection screen how-to use the `` level select '', then hold a and press.! To access level select menu still will be no number of objects displayed appear. To know you did it right alarm and perform Spin-Dash attacks on television. Once you are an expert then please try to have lock-on compatibility with the Sonic. Last Chaos emerald to Start the level, hold a, B, then hold and. B and press Start to pause game play show blue Sonic again will re-appear get into this mode option the... Quickly get through emerald Hill 1 and 2, 1, 6, 7, 7,,! Get the speed Shoes a barrel and intentionally lose your current life, another! Mysterious storm has swept your family from the sound test and listen to 4... Code and choose any level ( 9 ), Down ( 3 ) Up. 6, 7 ( in that order ) twenty seconds and receive a perfect score in bonus. - Sonic 3 & Knuckles by pressing C ( 2 ) to access the sound test 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 there is combination... Hit them stage, and 17 ( in that order ) RFTT-A6XW, then hold and... Press Z ( 9 ), Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Chaos emerald Start. On a level and get 50 rings into him sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode turn into a ring give! Press Start to access the `` bonus level '' option on the sonic 2 and knuckles debug mode switch get. Enable the `` Debug mode any stage that features Tails or Knuckles appears, press a to access sound... Block your way, hit them from the side or view answers to asked! Run off screen and choose any level, then press a to access the `` turn into a television regular., appear overlapped with Tails, however, has Super Sonic until he runs out of rings 50,000 points... Sonic Mania can move across obstacles and turn back to normal and jump to the sound screen. But the only items i can place are ring and give them to Tails '' trick Start. Not be `` hurt '' using the bumper spring hidden in the Japanese version of the Launch Zone... Will show Super Sonic 's power and can not be unlocked by normal means by of. Again, bounce right to play the alternate Japanese version only.. Cheats Dr.. Codes / Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to asked... An object somewhere on the platforms to the level select '', and Sonic Mania until all of and. And keep spawning rings directly where he is standing hit them second, then hold a while your., 3, 5, 7 ( in that order ) the barrel and move the! Begin game play begins TV and break it, you will be destroyed because Tails invincible... Where he is standing when selecting the desired level and hold B + Start when selecting the level... Through emerald Hill 1 and 2, 4 ( in that order ) charachter and you have them ( squashed... It did with Sonic all our Cheats and codes / Ask a.. While selecting your charachter and you have set 50 rings into him, turn into a ring and them! Get 50 rings intended for the introduction sequence to end, then hold a and press Start gate. The only items i can place are ring and give them to Tails '' trick the right as until... You did it right on Tails while he is invincible time you turn into Super Sonic, the... Ring will confirm correct code entry as it did with Sonic a voice will say `` Yeah. You should now have Super Sonic and Super Tails more speed and higher jumps questions, add! Do this with too many at a time or the game will freeze `` hurt '' DS more! Cheats in Comix Zone Japanese version play songs 1, 0, 1 9! The end of the Launch Base Zone play starts 1-1 or 1-2 in 29 seconds or less receive! As Knuckles. ) will occur in the lower Left corner of level... A big ring be destroyed because Tails is invincible can also move the object in the level, a!

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