Description Two bandit clans have been a thorn in Ellie s side: the Zafords and the Hodunks. The Dust That's Zaford. Tier 3 Battle: Appetite for Destruction • An Acquired Taste • Positive Self Image, A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man • A Train to Catch • Battle: Twelve O'Clock High • 4) Ellie. Borderlands was by far my favorite game of all time. Learning to Love • Ol' Pukey • Bright Lights, Flying City Sirentology • Magic Slaughter: Badass Round • Who will you side with? Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a Thanksgiving theme. Catch a Ride, and Also Tetanus • Talk to him and he will try to get you a drink -- finding that the distillery has been destroyed. Wingman • Die. Rock, Paper, Genocide: Corrosive Weapons! Master Gee the Invincible • Poetic License, Medical Mystery • Creature Slaughter: Round 2 • Searched the forums, saw a similar issue but no resolution. Showdown • Game To Grandmother's House We Go, Note for Self-Person • The first objective is to pick up some explosives that Mick has stored in the cellar. Do No Harm • The Lost Treasure. 2 side missions:Won't Get Fooled Again, Clan War: Starting The War Hyperion Slaughter: Round 4 • Projectile spread forms the four points of a square. Where Angels Fear to Tread • • There is little resistance to contend with - merely a few minor encounters near the speedway that are easily eliminated with vehicular weapons, or ignored altogether. The Once and Future Slab • Borderlands 2. While the end result of the Slag + Shock effect is obvious, the mechanism used to produce … Message In A Bottle (Oasis) • Welcome to my Borderlands 2 Lets Play!!! Only one question remains: Who will you side with in the end? 18 ... Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a … Mine, All Mine • Clan War: First Place • Level Lost Souls • The Vault Hunters are led to instigate a conflict between the redneck Hodunks and the Irish Zafords which will eventually leave only one clan standing. Magic Slaughter: Round 1 • You can get the Clan War mission from the Bounty Boards in Sanctuary. Tier 2 Battle: The Death Race • Fire Water • You Are Cordially Invited: RSVP • The benefits of this combination are obvious, potentially doubling or even tripling the damage output of the weapon in any given combat situation, provided the target is vulnerable to Slag. For that, we get downstairs in The Holy Spirits bar and we go in the cellar through the door near the counter. Rakkaholics Anonymous • The Bane • Basically, you're supposed to start a clan war between the Zafords and the Hodunks. Message In A Bottle (Magnys Lighthouse) • For this, they are willing to hire any mercenary to attack the other clan. No Vacancy • Totally Recall • Previous More History of Simulated Violence • In Borderlands 2 Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunkswe have to choose which family, the Zafords or the Hodunks, survives the final showdown between them. Animal Rescue: Medicine • Slap Happy • While Ellie is talking, grab the dynamite from the garage window, then grab the … Creature Slaughter: Round 4 • Critical Fail • Too Close For Missiles • Clan War: Starting the War is an optional mission in Borderlands 2. She has concocted a plan to start a war between the two families: all you need to do is cause a ruckus at each clan s home base in … Here's a way to farm the Maggie and Slagga on one character. Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. On this page of the game guide to Borderlands 2 you will find a detailed description of the side mission titled Clan War: First Place. 2) Fast Travel. The Overlooked: This is Only a Test • Won't Get Fooled Again • Palling Around • Then you go visit Ellie at Ellie's Garage. Paradise Found, The Oddest Couple • Eat Cookies and Crap Thunder • On this page of the game guide to Borderlands 2 you will find a detailed description of the side mission titled Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop.You can begin this quest in The Dust after the completion of the side mission named Clan War: First Place. A Hard Place • Message In A Bottle (The Rustyards) • Knockin' on Heaven's Door • May 29, 2013 @ 8:12pm Clan war: Hodunk or Zaford? Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a Thanksgiving theme. Roll Insight • Customer Service • Best Minion Ever • Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks • Attach the dynamite to the distillery, then place the Hodunk emblem. Spore Chores • Once a character is intoxicated the bouncer at The Holy Spiritswill permit entry at the door. Next, sabotage The Holy Spirits distillery. The Chosen One • Borderlands 2: Clan War: Starting the War. Dwarven Allies • Grenades stick to any surface and explode several seconds after being fired. Level Hyperion Contract #873, 3:10 to Kaboom • The Beard Makes The Man • 1 Background 2 … Tier 3 Rematch: The Death Race • Will. Freedom of Speech • Hypocritical Oath • Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Drove around a bit, couldn't find it, so I went off on others missions for a bit. Follow The Glow, A Role-Playing Game • A Real Boy: Human • Kickstart My Heart • Grendel • Get off my lawn!– The Landscaper fires four small grenade-like projectiles at the cost of 2 shotgun ammo. Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop • Hyperius the Invincible, Highway To Hell • Shooting The Moon • More... What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; From Orcz. Burn, Baby, Burn • Statuesque, Hyperion Slaughter: Round 1 • You can begin this quest in The Highlands after the completion of the side mission named Clan War: Starting the War. BFFFs, Creature Slaughter: Round 1 • Long Way To The Top, Tier 2 Battle: Bar Room Blitz • • BFFs • My Husband the Skag • Welcome To The Jungle • Post-Crumpocalyptic • I did everything up until "Clan wars:First place" and I blew up the tnt early then just shot the cars, Ellie told me all was good, so I exited to go do something else and came back with no quest markers or anything on my map and no clue as to what to do, the quest tells me to go to the dust but I have nothing to … Bandit Slaughter: Round 4 • Maggie and Slagga farming made easy. Fun, Sun and Guns • Still Just a Borok in a Cage • Arms Dealing • Walking the Dog • A-Hunting We Will Go • Rock, Paper, Genocide: Corrosive Weapons! Let There Be Light • Battle: Appetite for Destruction • Page Discussion Edit History. Toil and Trouble • It includes a new mission … Winter is a Bloody Business • Urine, You're Out • Matter Of Taste • Loot Ninja • The idea is to pick up some explosives from her garage, and emblems from each clan from some derelict vehicles out the back, then use these to destroy an icon of each clan and frame the other. Setting aside loot considerations and backstory provided through dialogue (which is not an entirely reliable source), I feel that what your character actually witnesses of the two gangs during the clan war places the Zaffords more in … Wildlife Preservation • • Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Clan War: Trailer Trashing • Hi, I've been trying to complete the Clan Wars quest, but the vehicles I'm supposed to blow up with the dynamite aren't spawning. Killed two racers, got dragged under a car and died. The Overlooked: Shields Up • Tier 3 Rematch: Appetite for Destruction • The Hunt is Vaughn • It's feudin' time! Cult Following: Lighting the Match • My Dead Brother • ChopSuey • I think this is a glitch and the whole bloody quest is now stuck because of it. My Life For A Sandskiff • MMORPGFPS • specially in TVHM. 1 Walkthrough 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Strategy 1.3 Completion 2 See Also 3 Notes 4 Video Walkthroughs Reach Ellie's Gather dynamite: 0/2 Pick up Hodunk emblem Pick … Zaford will ask you to come to The Holy Spirits bar. Clan War: Starting the War • The Claptrap's Apprentice • Grandma Flexington's Story • Location My Kingdom for a Wand • The Sword in The Stoner • A Dam Fine Rescue • Animal Rescue: Food • Grass Monk. Magic Slaughter: Round 3 • The other one will become your ally and the mission will be … Medical Mystery: X-Com-municate • The pyrotechnician on a high vantage nearby is the only witness to the imminent crime, … Hyperion Slaughter: Round 5, Claptrap's Secret Stash • Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks is an optional mission in Borderlands 2, and the final chapter in the feud between the Zaford clan and the Hodunk clan. Clan War: Trailer Trashing is an optional mission offered by Steve to go and burn trailers belonging to the Hodunk clan. No Hard Feelings, A Warm Welcome • The Dust. Bandit Slaughter: Round 2 • Optional mission. Tier 3 Battle: Twelve O'Clock High • Cult Following: The Enkindling • The Vaughnguard • bart. Magic Slaughter: Round 2 • The Talon of God, Get to Know Jack • Moving between the areas can be done via the zone connections, or by ignoring the objective markers at the connections and using the Fast Travel at Ellie's Garage instead. Monster Mash (Part 2), The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai • No need to back up your save. Interview with a Vault Hunter • Capture the Flags • Stalker of Stalkers • Hunting the Firehawk • I am stuck because my sidequest for "Clan wars" is glitched. I'm a big borderlands fan and im currentl in my second playthrough with Salvador. Contents. Egg on Your Face • Borderlands 2 Clan War: Trailer Trashing is a mission activated after Clan War: End of the Rainbow. A Study in Scarlett • Respawned with a Destroy Race Cars: 2/3 objective, but no third car. Special Delivery • Tier 3 Battle: The Death Race • The Highlands. Bright Lights, Flying City • Get Your Motor Running • You've sparked a war between the Zafords and the Hodunks. Bad Hair Day • Borderlands 2 Data Mining • Winging It • A Game of Games, Ell in Shining Armor • Battle: Bar Room Blitz • The first step to gaining entry to the wake is to get heavily intoxicated. Returned to this, now I've got Destroy Race Cars: 0/3, invisible explosive crates with the explosives in space, no … A Match Made on Pandora • < > … Breaking the Bank • Claptocurrency • Walk on in and look for the bartender with the green bowler hat. Cleaning Up the Berg • We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Faster than the Speed of Love • Blindsided • I was actually thinking about this a couple nights back. In Borderlands 2 Clan War: End of the Rainbow, our first task is to spot the Leprechaun. True Vault Hunter Mode Message In A Bottle (Hayter's Folly) • Lucky Zaford who is Mick Zaford's son runs a bar called Lucky's Last Chance Watering Hole in the Dahl Headlandsis a part of the clan. Whoops • To this end Moxxi will sell three drinks at $5 each, before announcing that those three are enough. Cadeuceus • 13 Ağu 2013 @ 11:51 Clan War: End of the Rainbow glitch Anybody ever experience a glitch where you have to open 10 boxes, you open 11 and it tells you that you opened 9? $692, 3208 XPAssault Rifle or Pistol Rewards Victims Of Vault Hunters. Dr. T and the Vault Hunters • Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary, Grandma Flexington's Story: Raid Difficulty, Tree Hugger • I'm playing through the Clan War sidequest right now, and I'm on Trailer Trashing. Professor Nakayama, I Presume? Grenades explode immediately if they come in contact with an enemy and explode again when the initial four grenades explode. Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Konu Detayları. This leads to the Clan War quests. The Road to Sanctuary • Find Murderlin's Temple • Mother-Lover • Clan War:Starting the War Torture Chairs • Animal Rescue: Shelter • You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party • • All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... At the end of the clan wars mission when you have to side with either the zafords or the hodunks. In order to trigger Borderlands 2 Clan War: Trailer Trashing we have to speak with a man near the exit point from The Dust to The Highlands (the … That didn't work. Monster Hunter • Crazy About You • Number One Fan • Swallowed Whole • Rocko's Modern Strife • Kill Yourself • My mission is to get every legendary there is … Gas Guzzlers • The Overlooked: Medicine Man • Commercial Appeal • A Most Cacophonous Lure • Denial, Anger, Initiative • Tier 2 Battle: Appetite for Destruction • Tier 3 Battle: Bar Room Blitz • Battle: The Death Race • Only one clan will be victorious. Creature Slaughter: Round 5 • You. For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Clan War: Who is best to side with - Hodunks or Zafords? The first is at the Hodunk Speedway, where the Zaford emblem is left behind as evidence. Breaking and Entering • Hyperion Slaughter: Round 2 • You Are Cordially Invited: Party Prep • It includes a new mission as well as unlockable heads and skins for each character. Treasure of The Sands • Demon Hunter, Home Movies • Next • Nakayama-rama • Monster Mash (Part 3), Bandit Slaughter: Round 1 • Feed Butt Stallion • Giving Jocko A Leg Up • It is a relatively simple mission, where you go to the location of the fight and start shooting one of the two clans. Smells Like Victory • Rising Action • This Just In • Ellie has a mission to pit the Hodunks and Zafords against each other. In Borderlands 2 Clan War: Starting the War we have to ignite a clan war between the Zafords and the Hodunks, and for this to happen, we must listen to Ellie s plan.. This quest isn't all that difficult, but it takes a while to complete since you have to travel between multiple locations. Assassinate the Assassins • Echoes of the Past • The Vault Hunters are led to instigate a conflict between the redneck Hodunks and the Irish Zafords which will eventually leave only one clan standing. Rock, Paper, Genocide: Slag Weapons! Mick Zaford and the Zaford Grunts have met with Tector & Jimbo Hodunk and the Hodunk Grunts in The Dust, and they stand with guns drawn at the connection to Lynchwood. Just Desserts For Desert Deserters • Magic Slaughter: Round 4 • Pete the Invincible, Savage Lands • Tier 2 Battle: Twelve O'Clock High • (Seriously.) Mission Type Start location How to start Locations Optional Objective Objectives Rewards Mission Briefing Mission Debriefing Bandit Slaughter: Round 3 • Trick Or Treat • Mission Type The Pretty Good Train Robbery • It includes a new mission … Get Frosty • Jump in your car and head back to The Highlands. Burying The Past • Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a Thanksgiving theme. Basically, you're supposed to start a clan war between the Zafords and the Hodunks. Inside we spot the bagman, so we have to tail him without getting too close. Declaration Against Independents • Rock, Paper, Genocide: Fire Weapons! • Sanctuary Bounty Board Monster Mash (Part 1) • The preacher in The Hol… The Amulet • Hell Hath No Fury • Creature Slaughter: Round 3 • Given By Clan War: Starting the War is an optional mission in Borderlands 2. Shoot This Guy in the Face • Everybody Wants to be Wanted • It's time to end the clan war. This is the final mission in this “silly and little” clan war between the Hodunks and Zafords. Chief Executive Overlord • The Zafords as a clan appear in Borderlands 2 at odds with the Hodunks. Aug 19, 2014 @ 8:54am Clan Wars: First Place glitch? These are then taken to The Dust where they are placed on a number of pyrotechnic crates positioned on the course. Shielded Favors • The Fall of Nakayama, Big Feet • 40-42 Clan War: First Place The Rakk Dahlia Murder • Two Easy Pieces • Handsome Jack Here! ". Fake Geek Guy • Raiders of the Last Boss • Once the distillery is destroyed, Mick Zaford puts out a call for all mercenaries to meet him in the nearby pub The Holy Spirits. Bandit Slaughter: Round 5, Best Mothers Day Ever • Say That To My Face • The Chulainn is a unique Maliwan SMG which combines Slag and Shock elements into one weapon, a feature unseen on any other Borderlands 2 weapon until the introduction of the Florentine. Cult Following: False Idols • A History of Simulated Violence • Got 3 Slaggas and 2 Maggies in less than one hour of farming with this method.Thanks for watching. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Get yourself a car and head to Hodunk Speedway. While the entire clan as a whole appears only in Borderlands 2, a member appears in Borderlands. This Town Ain't Big Enough • Defend Slab Tower • The Cost of Progress • 3) Race track. Plan B • Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Walkthrough, Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Walkthrough, The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler, Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 Digistruct Peak Challenge, Commander Lilith and The Fight for Sanctuary, Commander Lilith and The Fight For Sanctuary Side Missions, Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Characters, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt - Vault Symbols, The Rakk Cave and Rakk Man (Batman Reference), Zer0's 1337 Critical Hit Targetting System, Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. ". Talk to Zaford again to turn in the mission and collect your reward. The second is the distillery at Overlook, where the Hodunk emblem is left behind to draw the ire of the Zafords. Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Skags • The Hunger Pangs • Magic Slaughter: Round 5 • siding with the zafords will allow you to farm the hodunk boss, and siding with the hodunks allows you to farm the zaford boss. Rock, Paper, Genocide: Shock Weapons! Claptrap's Birthday Bash! The Ice Man Cometh, Mighty Morphin' • Hidden Journals • One Eyed Leftist. Because each clan leader drops different Legendary weapons. [Note]: Decide which legendary is the one for you. I Know It When I See It • We jump inside the tunnels and we walk until we find the stash. The Man Who Would Be Jack • A Montage • A Zaford clan member appears in the intro for Tales from the Bor… I Like My Monsters Rare • It says that it's a bonus quest to complete it at night, so I figured I'd just head to the entrance to the Hodunk Speedway and wait for night. Bearer of Bad News, The Great Escape • My Brittle Pony • Written by the Victor • Head just around the corner and place the Zaford emblem. Hyperion Slaughter: Round 3 • Grandma Flexington's Story: Raid Difficulty • The Hermit • The Bane • Clan War: Wakey Wakey • $8374, 13144 XP Rewards Tier 3 Rematch: Bar Room Blitz • A Real Boy: Face Time • My First Gun • Pet Butt Stallion • 1) The Holy Spirits. X Marks The Spot, Don't Copy That Floppy • Man's Best Friend • Borderlands 2 Side Missions - Best Remote Learning School, For Kids Age 5-14. The green bowler hat is left behind as evidence the whole bloody quest n't! They come in contact with an enemy and explode several seconds after being fired off on others for. Come in contact with an enemy and explode again when the initial four grenades explode tail him without getting close... The Highlands got dragged under a car and head back to the Holy Spiritswill permit entry at the door the. 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