There, I learned that a rival band of vampires abducted the Moth Priest I've been tracking and took him to a place called Forebears' Holdout. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After a couple 100 ft there will be a caravan tipped over. Upon reaching Dragon Bridge, ask the guards or Clinton Lylvieve about the Moth Priest's whereabouts. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Crashing at Dragon Bridge; User Info: TakumiSama. Community content is available under. My biggest gripe, story-wise, by far - posted in Skyrim Spoilers: When playing the Dawnguard questline, and I have to seek out the Moth Priest, I am sent to Dragon Bridge to ask about him. Seeking Disclosure and Chasing Echoes Notes: (See the end of the ... searching the endless wilderness that stretched all the way to the capital of Skyrim for a missing caravan. Use your Vampire's Seduction power on the Moth Priest Using Vampire Seduction on the priest calms him down, then feed on him to turn him into the Dragonborn's thrall. There will be no marker. The Dragon Bridge is in sight as the Dragonborn and Cael approach the village. Talking to Clinton Lylvieve will advance the quest and mark the ambushed caravan on the map. Solution: You must find the note on a dead vampire on the road south of Dragon Bridge (next to the first destroyed wagon) in order to avoid this glitch. Description. I learned that a Moth Priest recently visited Solitude. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. “Following Harkon’s command to locate a Moth Priest, I followed the trail to Dragon Bridge. -Malkus Your next task is to capture the Moth Priest. Following Harkon's command to locate a Moth Priest, I followed the trail to Dragon Bridge. Cael comments on the bridge. #6. Once all the vampires are dead, search Malkus ' body to find a Weystone Focus, or let Malkus live and pickpocket the Weystone from him. 1. Solution: When entering Fort Dawnguard, speak with Dexion before speaking to Isran. About them: Miraak and Konahrik Haldriin are Skyrims most powerful dragon priests. Dexion Evicus will awaken, but will still be partially enthralled. If you have already been to Dragon Bridge (some Dark Brotherhood quests take you there) then just fast travel. Upon arriving, shake down a kid named Clinton for info on the Moth Priest. I am completing dawnguard missions, i have to ask the guards in dragonbridge if they have seen a moth priest. Otherwise, go to Solitude and from there head Southwest to Dragon Bridge. A note indicating the location of the Moth Priest, who is essential for the Dawnguard quest "Prophet," will be found on a road just past the town's bridge. Dexion Evicus stuck at reading Elder Scroll. Solution: Make sure Serana does not follow the Dragonborn into Forebears' Holdout. MAKE SURE you are heading south from dragon bridge on your HUD compass trust me it will help in case you get lost. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You'll face the Dawnguard Vanik as a Vampire or the Vampire Malkus as a Dawnguard, and their underlings to deal with when you reach the central area. After talking to Isran, he leads the Dragonborn to talk to Serana, who arrived at the fort to tell the Dawnguard of her father's plans. Faction Dragon Bridge is a small town built near the ancient iconic Dragon Bridge in northwestern Skyrim near Solitude.. Quest Giver The Moth Priest, Dexion Evicus, is being held here in a magical barrier. In the ruins ahead, you'll notice a bright blue plume of light emanating from a central source. He tells of a robed figure being escorted through town in a wagon -- find the wreckage just beyond the titular stone bridge south of town. They know a lot of shouts (even the dragon ones) and are both ranged and melee combat. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Moth priest/ Dragon bridge? The name of the priest is Dexion Evicus. To know the complete prophecy, we must have the other two scrolls.". In order to aid the Emperor, Moth Priests roam the world in search of Elder Ask people in Dragon Bridge if they saw the Moth Priest: Serana told me that her father was trying to gain power over the sun by fulfilling a prophecy found in the Elder Scrolls. Upon arriving, shake down a kid named Clinton for info on the Moth Priest. Next speak with Dexion, who will begin to read the Elder Scroll. In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night and day will be as one.The voice fades and the words begin to shimmer and distort. Cael comments on the bridge. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dragon Bridge is located on the western side of Skyrim, to the southwest of Solitude. Prophet begins after The Bloodstone Chalice or A New Order. View all games. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, User account menu • Just made it to Dragon Bridge to look for the Moth Priest! Ask any carriage driver outside a city if he has seen a Moth Priest. What information I had placed the Moth Priest near the village and that was good enough for me. Loot a dead vampire and read the Vampire's Note Then go to Forebears' Holdout I wonder what purpose the dragon head serves. Rifle through the vampire's corpse to find the Vampire's Note to find out that the Moth Priest has been taken to Forebears' Holdout a little further east following the trail of blood on the ground. Trending chevron_right. Serana was stood next to the bridge itself waiting for Lydia who was in the Inn asking about the issues nearby, Shae had climbed up the bridge to examine the Dragons head. Lucky for you, there's a Moth Priest in Skyrim right now, doing just that. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. I now have reason to believe that a Moth Priest has recently visited Dragon Bridge. Serana saw Lydia and she called to Shae who dropped lightly landing in a crouch her tail swaying happily, which always made Serana smile. A trio of vampires may attack while asking about the Moth Priest's whereabouts, but the Hold Guards will assist in killing them. ... Now, wasn’t there a Moth Priest to find near here? - Again, If you have done this before, travel along the road south of dragon bridge. He first sees a vision of Auriel's bow, then a voice whispers to him about a dread lord of the night who will rise up in a time when dragons return. This was the moth priest’s caravan but no sign of the priest himself. I was doing the Dawnguard questline and I was doing this quest called PHOPHET, and when I get to a point in the quest where it says "Talk to the moth priest. I just saved him from that Cave near Dragon Bridge and he made his way to Fort Dawnguard. Ask people in Dragon Bridge if they saw the Moth Priest Serana told me that her father was trying to gain power over the sun by fulfilling a prophecy found in the Elder Scrolls. Ask people in Dragon Bridge if they saw the Moth Priest [edit | edit source] Any one of the methods will finally direct the Dragonborn to Dragon Bridge, were a quick chat with the boy, Clinton, reveals that the heavily guarded Moth Priest actually did pass through the small town on a carriage, leaving in south-ward direction. My OC!DragonbornxSerana, romance/lemons. The driver will reveal that the Moth Priest asked him to take him to Dragon Bridge. With all clues pointing to the small settlement of Dragon Bridge, travel there and ask the locals if they have seen a Moth Priest. He was thought to have stayed at the Winking Skeever. Relevance. He will reveal that a Moth Priest came by to study in the library, but left for Dragon Bridge. The bridge and town are of vital interest to both the Stormcloak rebels and the Imperials in the civil war.The townspeople of Dragon Bridge are worried that either side may seek to destroy the bridge as a means of preventing the other from crossing. I now have reason to believe that a Moth Priest has recently visited Dragon Bridge. All of them lead you to Dragon Bridge. I now have reason to believe that a Moth Priest has recently visited Dragon Bridge. Investigate the scene of attack. There, I learned that a rival band of vampires abducted the Moth Priest I’ve been tracking and took him to a place called Forebears’ Holdout. The bridge and town are of vital interest to both the Stormcloak rebels and the Imperials in the civil war.The townspeople of Dragon Bridge are worried that either side may seek to destroy the bridge as a means of preventing the other from crossing. Serana says they need a Moth Priest to read the Elder Scroll she brought, and Isran says an Imperial scholar has recently arrived in Skyrim. They will mention that he left south across the bridge a short while ago. However, when a new threat arises in the form of an ancient vampire and a plot to put out the sun, The Dragonborn is called back to duty and must save the world once more. chevron_right. I spoke with Isran about the good news and now i'm suppost to talk with the Moth Priest about the Elder Scroll. You may also attract members ofThe Dawnguard if playing as a vampire, or Vampires if playing as a dawnguard during your travels. Answer Save. Capture the Moth Priest; Forebears’ Holdout is not to far from the tipped over caravan. 3. Urag will point you toward Dragon Bridge located in northwestern Skyrim. In this case we can see that the slaughter of Dragon Bridge isn't actually an issue since guards respawn. Serana instantly knew why he was panicked. The Moth Priest will still be hostile initially, but will yield upon defeating him. Recently added 26 View all 1,181. (Objective is assigned): Command the Moth Priest to go to Volkihar Castle 50 : Harkon has ordered his court to find a Moth Priest who can read Serana's Elder Scroll. The eight Dragon Priests you can encounter during the campaign in Skyrim are as follows. C: 1 – Perhaps artistic freedom? Just made it to Dragon Bridge to look for the Moth Priest! Ask people in Dragon Bridge if they saw the Moth Priest. Solution: Get 60 illusion and dual cast pacify frequently. [Open Dialogue] C: That is quite the magnificent bridge. One of the dead bodies will be a vampire. C: 1 – It’s going to change many more. He will then tell you to travel to dragon bridge. Prophet 50 From here you'll have to follow the trail of the elusive Moth Priest; ask around for word of this man. When encountered, they are powerful opponents and are likely to be attended by Draugr minions. Description. you are asked to visit Dragon Bridge to ask about a Moth Priest. See the table below for a list of options and conditions: The Ambush at Dragon Bridge He will mention that he is not sure, but can be persuaded or bribed for answers. 1 comment. 9 years ago. Isran It is possible, before finishing this quest by having Dexion read the Elder Scroll, to speak to, The above glitch is caused by the vampire who is inside the barrier defeating him before you can save him, which initiates the interaction you would have had, if he had attacked you first. or. They should be taking the fight to Windhelm. Im playing on Skyrim Legendary Edition, on PC no mods. Dexion will tell you that you need two other Elder Scrolls to be able to complete the reading. One scroll contains the ancient secrets of the dragons, the other speaks of the potency of the ancient blood. It is a direct sequel to Skyrim: Legend of Dovahkiin by Bethesda Studios, and is the second miniseries in Aaron McGruder's animated Skyrim trilogy, followed by Skyrim: The First Dragonborn. "That Moth Priest is about to have an unprepared cohort of Legionaries guarding him once he arrives at Dragon Bridge...if the Vampires attack, they'll be slaughtered in a mass ambush of Vampires, death hounds and gargoyles!" You can find it by traveling South West of Solitude . You will then be asked to search the scene of the crash. ☜ ㋡KadenW㋡ ☞. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. There are 2 or 3 guards in Dragon Bridge (Stormcloak soldiers in my case) - but one is dead, having died in a battle with members of the Dawnguard. The Dragon Priests have decayed into Draugr and lie or lurk in the ancient Nordic crypts and temples scattered about Skyrim. DLC1VQ03Hunter. Locate a Moth Priest (Optional) Ask carriage drivers about the Moth Priest (Optional) Visit the College of Winterhold to ask about the Moth Priest (Optional) Ask innkeepers in cities about the Moth Priest; Ask people in Dragon Bridge if they saw the Moth Priest; Search along the road south of Dragon Bridge; Investigate the scene of the attack Read it for the location of the Moth Priest. I figured if the information was wrong we would find out sooner rather than later. There are also Armored Trolls here. He/she will inform you that the moth priest headed down the road south of the dragon bridge. Prophet is part of the Vampire Lord Quests that is available only in the Dawnguard DLC. Solution: Find the note on a dead vampire on the road south of Dragon Bridge (next to the first destroyed wagon) in order to avoid this glitch. Dexion: "I see a vision before me, an image of a great bow. videogame_asset My games. Dragon Bridge is a settlement located in North Western Skyrim. Dexion Evicus will awaken, but will still be partially enthralled. do skyrim guards respawn? Dragons Bridge was exactly that, a Bridge with a Dragon on it. The player travels to Forebear's Hideout just south of Dragon Bridge, and captures a Moth Priest named Dexion Evicus who had been enthralled by an Orcish vampire named Malkus before he was slain by the Dawnguard led by their commander Vanik. If Serena creates a Thrall that survives the battle, after talking with Dexion, the Thrall may begin to sleep in one of the coffins. Search the vampire corpse for a Vampire's Note indicating that the Moth Priest was taken to Forebears' Holdout. ... "Prepare an ambush just south of the Dragon Bridge. Then a notice will pop up to, you guessed it, read the note. I was doing the Dawnguard questline and I was doing this quest called PHOPHET, and when I get to a point in the quest where it says "Talk to the moth priest. When I returned to Castle Volkihar, I was informed that Lord Harkon was waiting to speak to me. It is Auriel's Bow! Go across the bridge down the path until you find a Carriage overturned with two corpses and a dead horse. There are 2 or 3 guards in Dragon Bridge (Stormcloak soldiers in my case) - but one is dead, having died in a battle with members of the Dawnguard. Several of the NPCs have conversation options where they advise you to "speak to one of the guards". Now, by far the most common way to Dragon Bridge is to approach it from the South by Travelling North over the actual Dragon Bridge. There, I learned that a rival band of vampires abducted the Moth Priest I’ve been tracking and took him to a place called Forebears’ Holdout. You can find it by traveling South West of Solitude . We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. So take the bridge and head south. Place the Weystone on the altar above the barrier to deactivate it. Any one of the methods will finally direct the Dragonborn to Dragon Bridge, where a quick chat with the boy, Clinton, reveals that the heavily guarded Moth Priest actually did pass through the small town on a carriage, leaving in south-ward direction. If the Dragonborn elects to leave Serana alone and not bring her along, she stays at Fort Dawnguard. 47: Command the Moth Priest to go to Volkihar Castle: Harkon has ordered his court to find a Moth Priest who can read Serana's Elder Scroll. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Log In Sign Up. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Location Prophet is a Quest in Skyrim. The Moth Priest, Dexion Evicus, is being held here in a magical barrier. Most people there won't have anything useful to tell you, but if you speak with a guard or with Clinton Lylvieve, then you'll learn that a Moth Priest recently left the city via the bridge to the south. close. Do one of the optional objectives. It is also possible to just wander around Skyrim; if you come to the area south of Dragon Bridge where the Moth Priest was kidnapped from, then you can continue on with the quest even if you haven't done this part. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. Any follower must be dismissed to have her tag along, although there is a glitch that allows Cicero to come as a second companion. Dawnguard Even if she accompanied them all the way to Dragon Bridge, as long as she does not go inside Forebears' Holdout, Dexion should no longer be hostile once outside. Our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY to follow the trail to Dragon Bridge and find! A quest in the inn, on PC no mods reaching Dragon Bridge is a small town near! Scattered about Skyrim Tower along with the Moth Priest, Dexion Evicus ( Moth Priest in Skyrim i ca ask! Upon talking to Clinton Lylvieve will advance the quest and mark the ambushed caravan on the Western side Skyrim. 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